Thursday, May 17, 2012

The purchase of cell phone jammer has the strict management requirements

Phones equipped with infrared interface for wireless Internet access is very simple, no cable and PC CARD, as long as you can set up an infrared connection directly to the Internet protocol. To replace the cable connection point. The new communication standard compatible with the earlier communication standard. Small-angle (30 degree cone angle or less), a short distance, point-line data transfer, strong security. Higher transmission rate, the current rate of 4M FIR technology has been widely used, 16M rate VFIR technology has been released. Their mobile phones and computers to transmit data wirelessly between; can be the same between devices with infrared interface for information exchange; while infrared interface, eliminating the need for downloads or other costs incurred in the exchange of information; docking due to the need to transmit information, the more security strong; communication distance is short, the communication process can not be moved, the case of interrupted communication obstacles; infrared communication technology, the main purpose is to replace the cable connection for wireless data transmission, single function, poor scalability. Material purchase of  china cell phone jammer is in the direct charge of the director.
Bluetooth is a short-range communications support equipment (usually within 10m) radio technology. Can include mobile phones, PDA, wireless headsets, laptop computers, related peripherals and many other wireless information exchange between devices. Bluetooth standard IEEE802.15, work in the 2.4GHz frequency band, bandwidth is 1Mb / s. The workshop should arrange the proper material purchase of  cell phone jammer .Purchase Manager of cell phone jammer
The openness of Java technology, security and the society has a huge resource, and its cross-platform, that is "write once, run anywhere" feature makes Java technology a smartphone software platform, the de facto standard. Using Java technology, the preparation of applications and services that people who do not care about receiving their phone service is used by the operating system and chips, just follow the requirements to write Java programs like; Similarly, the production of cell phone manufacturers do not have to concerns in the future who will provide value-added services. It can be seen, the use of Java technology, you can create a complete, cost-effective wireless data value-added services chain so as to provide flexible, personalized content and form a variety of services. The purchase of  cell phone jammer  has the strict management requirements.
Java Mobile Development Status: in June this year, already has about 100 million Java phones in use, excluding China 53 mobile operators launched a Java technology-based wireless data value-added services. China Mobile has established a system of wireless Java value-added services, and launched a "treasure chest" and other services brands, including games treasure chest, treasure chest entertainment, business treasure chest, treasure chest of life, etc., have been on July 10, 2003 started the official business. China Unicom is also built on its CDMA 1X wireless Java value-added network service system, the current system is the construction process, and September 26, 2003 China Unicom, Beijing Zhenrong factoring in the Great Hall and Sun Microsystems announced the establishment of co-sponsored "UniJa technology alliance", the three parties will be Unicom's CDMA 1X network in the Java value-added services and comprehensive cooperation. The purchase of  cell phone jammer  is the important link of manufacturing  cell phone jammer  .
Infrared interface is the standard configuration of a new generation of mobile phones, it supports the phone and computer and other digital equipment for data exchange. Infrared communication has a low-cost, easy connection, easy to use and compact structure, so in small mobile devices access to a wide range of applications. Via infrared interface, various types of mobile devices can freely exchange data. Infrared is the wavelength of electromagnetic waves between 750nm to 1mm, which is higher than microwaves but lower than the frequency of visible light, is a human eye can not see the light. As the shorter infrared wavelengths, the diffraction barrier ability is poor, so more suitable for applications that require short-range wireless communications applications, for point to point data transmission line. Infrared Data Association (IRDA) data communication using the infrared wavelength range of 850nm to 900nm limited within. Quality of  cell phone jammer  will determine quality of  cell phone jammer  .

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