Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dominate the cell phone market is the mainstay

First, the history of China's cell phone channel model
China's cell phone development and marketing channel mode and the popularity of cell phone competition in the market are closely related, according to the patterns of development and mainstream channels of different dealers, can be roughly divided into three stages:

1 monopoly of China Telecom, cell phone sales market stage
China's cell phone market in the formation and development at the beginning, on the one hand because of higher prices of cell phones, the penetration rate is low, and users are concentrated in cities; the other hand, because the mobile communications market by China Telecom monopoly, so this period by China Telecom underwriting period. The only place to sell cell phone business hall of China Telecom and the subsequent emergence of some small shops, which are mainly based cell phone operating parallel. During this period in terms of distribution or from the retail perspective, China Telecom dominates the market, China Telecom underwriting in the state, the true sense of the marketing channel system has not been formed. More and more people, especially the young people, choose buy cell phone jammer on the internet.

2 a national distributor sales channel phase control
This phase change in the context of mobile marketing channels, opening up of China Telecom's cell phone sales, professional cell phone retailers appeared, and quickly in large-scale emergence of 12 cities nationwide. At this stage, the formation of a complete distribution system evolved, a national distributor of cell phone sales channels control, dominate the cell phone market is the mainstay.

3. Coexistence of multiple distribution channels mode phase
It is more convenient to buy cell phone jammer the internet for it can save a lot of time and energy. This phase change channel model derived from the rapid development of domestic cell phone manufacturers, from 2002 because of domestic cell phone manufacturers to enter the market, without the support of the national general agent distribution system to turn to the provincial level to break down foreign brand of national distribution system monopoly. With the increased market share of domestic brands, distributor's status began to decline nationwide, in addition, the stage is another important feature of a variety of sales models and sales channels rise, while the number of terminals and sales of retailers, there have been large-scale rate of decline.

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