Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It is 200W military UHF cell phone jammer

PUK (Personal? Unlock? Key) code is used to enter the PIN code by mistake, locking the SIM card to unlock to use. Each corresponding to a different PIN code corresponding to different PUK code PUK code, PUK code for the 8-bit password; When the PIN code is entered incorrectly three times after, SIM is locked, need to enter the PUK code to unlock; if they continue to enter more than a certain number of errors ( usually 10 times), SIM card will be closed destroyed, can not be used again. PUK2 code is provided by the supplier of the pin2 code unlock code is a string of irregular figures. When three consecutive times to enter the wrong PIN2 code, the phone card will be locked and display "ENTERPUK2" word, then you must enter the correct PUK2 (Personal? Unlock? Key2) to unlock, if PUK2 code wrong 10 times straight , the card will be scrapped, only changing the card. Note: pin, pin2, puk, puk2 code can query to the provider, and the pin, pin2 can modify their own (Note the original password). It is the multi-purpose convertible EOD convoy jamming system bomb china cell phone jammer.

"Call Barring" is a network feature that allows mobile phone according to different situations to selectively prohibit incoming and outgoing calls. Perform each operation must be entered before restriction code. Ban on all incoming calls (BAOC): Restricts all incoming calls. Prohibit all outgoing calls (BAIC): Restricts all outgoing calls. Forbidden to make international long distance (BOIC): limited international calls, forbidden to play overseas long distance (BOIC-exHC): limit long-distance calls abroad phone can only call the registered telephone network of national and local calls. Roaming ban call (BIC-Roam): When roaming between systems, this option is used to prohibit any call comes. It is 200W military UHF cell phone jammer.

Note here roaming is roaming between systems, at different roaming between GSM networks, not necessarily in the geographical concept of roaming. Ban on making international calls: Select this option, the phone will be banned from international calls. When the China card to a foreign country, the roaming, call China, you can not exhale. (To the foreign registration to the local network to a) ban on playing overseas long distance: select this option, the phone can only call the registered telephone network of national and local calls. (Again, this option is selected, the China card to a foreign country, the roaming, only China and the United States, telephone call, the other does not.) The UHF/VHF immobilizer is another kind of cell phone jammer.

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