Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Power supply adapter should be away from main machinery of china cell phone

The future, "If the security of mobile payments are guaranteed, then the household appliances, food and even car and other big-ticket purchases, are able to pay by cell phone will be completed, the mobile payment market size will become larger, profit-sharing of its value-added services will also be more generous. "payment for cell phones promise to provide technical support information Kam marketing manager Gong Ming Kui said. Ethics for the National Technology Co., Ltd. Vice President also pointed out that, in addition to transaction costs arising from transactions and value-added services commission, based on the payment screen cell phone interface, you can also produce some advertising costs. This kind of  china cell phone jammer is the smallest cell phone jammer.
Along this path, not only for mobile payment players to power, but also bring innovative applications and services. "User feedback tells us that the needs of the user expectations for mobile payment have been paid beyond the scope of their own." Quick money CEO Kwan said, as more and more integrated financial services over cell phones, a new mobile financial Service time is about to open. "I can see the future of mobile devices other than a variety of mobile financial services will also be integrated in independent open system, the future was presented to the people's will be a new era of mobile financial services." Our correspondent writing, especially from the title, always like to use "race", "battle", "chaos" such words, in order to create visual impact and tension. Payment of the topics on the cell phone, since this year, the same could not escape the rut. The antenna ofchina cell phone can decide the shielding direction.
With the Internet "title party," the exaggeration in the media, the mobile payment industry is increasingly tense atmosphere. This reflects the fact that the word is not, or reflect the whole picture of this industry? I think not. With some industry participants in the exchange, I get two of the most consistent point of view: first, the mobile payment market is huge, rapid development, but is still in its infancy, is too uniform standards are not conducive to market development; first Second, the mobile payment each participant both competition and cooperation, but the relationship between them is no simple alternative. From a practical point of view, present a variety of mobile payment solutions, despite the obvious advantages and disadvantages, but also reflects the parties to pay for the strategic positioning of mobile mixed; even if there is common ground, but a different direction out of the cake is the industry big symbol. Power supply adapter should be away from main machinery of china cell phone .

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