Monday, May 21, 2012

The price advantage of cell phone jammer

Similarly, when you debug a half to death when you thought you had to find a good reflection on the shortcut may not be strict adherence to good coding design specifications, does not detect some of the assumptions or correctness of the algorithm, not some possible The code marked with question mark it? on how to write high quality, please refer to Lin Rui's "high-quality c + + / c Programming Guide" or "C, 0x8 on the" classics "." The factory has the obvious price advantage of china cell phone jammer.
If you do have the pin out of the sea, in order to prevent thorn to find their own before, you have to do some preventive work, such as wearing safety gloves. Similarly, in order to expose and try to capture the source of the problem, we can design a more comprehensive error tracking code. How to do it? As much as possible for each function call fails to deal with, as far as possible test the effectiveness of each input and output parameters include pointer and test whether too much or too little to call a process. Tracking error can let you know you are probably out in which the needle position. If you do not put a pin drop in the ocean, but lost in the haystack, then write to easy to handle. Because at least we can put weeds into many pieces, one piece to find. For the module independent of large projects, often using the isolation method against those who hide deep bug is a last resort. The factory won more market shares of cell phone jammer finally for its price advantage of cell phone jammer.
If the problem is intermittent emergence, we need to find a way to reproduce it and record it to reproduce the whole process to prepare for the next time you can use these conditions to reproduce the problem. If you believe you can use the records of those conditions to reproduce the problem, then we can begin to isolate the problem. How isolated it? We can use # ifdef and problems related to some of the code may be closed, minimized to the system is still able to reproduce any problems. If you still can not locate the problem, it is necessary to open the "toolbox" of. ICE or you can try to see a suspicious monitor data changes in a variable; you can use the function call trace tool to get the case, including the transmission parameters; check whether the collapse of the memory and stack overflow problems. The price advantage of  cell phone jammer is really important.
Hunters in order not to get lost in the forest itself, he often shed some of the marks on the trees to prepare for their future can be lost one day to find a way out based on these markers. Code changes for the past track record for future problems after the debugging. If one day, the last time you modify the program to run after a long time suddenly died, so when you first reaction is to change what I have in the end, because the last time before changes are good. So how to detect the relative to the last change? Yes, the code version control system, said control system SCS or VCS (Concurrent Version Control, CVS is a version of the evolution of the VCS). Check in the previous version and the current test version later down the comparison. Comparison tool can be SCS / VCS / CVS diff tool that comes with more powerful or more other tools, such as BeyondCompare and ExamDiff. By comparison, the record of all changes to the code, analysis of all suspicious code that might cause problems. The price advantage of  cell phone jammer of this agent is not that obvious.
How do you know how your test comprehensive? Coverage test (coverage testing) can answer this question. Coverage testing tool can tell you that the code executed CPU in the end. Good coverage tools can often tell you about 20% to 40% of the code no problem, but the rest of the possible bug. Test coverage tools have different levels, the user can select a level of their own needs. The subject of the manager’s lecture is the price advantage of cell phone jammer.

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