Monday, March 18, 2013

Thin-layer lamination manufacturing

Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Wuhan bleomycin developed a cyclone CO2 laser, shown in Figure 1, the rotation of the gas flow to a new way to make swirling axial flow CO2 laser also has a CO2 laser beam quality and cost of cross-flow CO2 laser low, the advantages of small size. The industrial promotion and application of laser processing, laser processing industry in China will be the development and popularity play a positive role in promoting. Three-dimensional optical shape (StereoLithographyApparatus, referred to as SLA) process is the use of ultraviolet laser beam scanning light-curing adhesive layer by layer method to form three-dimensional solid workpiece. In 1986 the company launched a commercial U.S. 3DSystems prototype SLA-1. SLA process to achieve the highest precision 0.05mm. Thin-layer lamination manufacturing (LaminatedObjectManufacturing, referred to as LOM) process uses thin materials such as paper, plastic film, etc., by the United States Helisys developed in 1986. By repeated CO2 laser cutting and pasting material, the workpiece to be layered manufacturing entity. LOM process is characterized by large-scale manufacture of parts for its accuracy 0.1mm. The enterprise management of laser pointer company should be in accordance with the stipulation.
Selective Laser Sintering (SelectiveLaserSintering, referred to as SLS) process is the use of powder-like material formed by the University of Texas at Austin in 1989 and developed through the use of high-intensity CO2 laser layer sintering materials to selectively scan powder to form three-dimensional parts, SLS biggest advantage of the selection process more widely. The three laser rapid prototyping technology as the development of a long time, technology is relatively mature, at home and abroad have been more widely used. However, the above method to form the three-dimensional parts can not be directly used as a mold, the need for follow-up, so I called the indirect laser technology into a mold. The main treatment methods are: rapid prototyping parts treated as a mold. LOM paper mold made directly by the surface treatment of wood instead of sand casting mold.

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