Sunday, March 3, 2013

annealing of semiconductor materials

The conversion efficiency is relatively low. Very low overall efficiency of the solid-state lasers, such as the ruby laser for about 0.5% to 1%, the overall efficiency of the YAG laser for 1% to 2%, 3% accessible in the best of circumstances. Some supplemental technical protocols will be signed in the design liaison meeting of Laser Pointer .
Visible solid-state laser efficiency there are a lot of space. The application of solid-state lasers. Extensive use of solid-state lasers in the military, processing, medical and scientific research. It is commonly used for ranging, tracking, guidance, drilling, cutting and welding, annealing of semiconductor materials, micro-machining of electronic devices, atmospheric testing, spectral studies, surgical and ophthalmic surgery, plasma diagnostics, pulse holography, and laser fusion . In the process of laser military applications, the solid-state lasers can be regarded as a rising star. Until the 1990s, due to the development of laser technology, solid-state lasers to cut a striking figure in a variety of military applications, and become the absolute protagonists. The supply manager of Laser Pointer should well know performance of Laser Pointer .
Conventional solid-state laser weapons. The laser range finder is the most commonly used laser systems in the armed forces, they are equipped with the main station tanks, artillery and infantry fighting vehicles, etc.. Equipment, you can greatly improve the attack hit rate. Compared to traditional optical sighting equipment, the hit rate several times greater. At present, the majority of military laser rangefinder 1.06mm neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (:) laser range finder. However, due to the long-term use of the solid-state laser is easy to damage Mask, are turning to 1.54mm erbium-doped (Er) for eye-safe phosphate glass laser. Of course, there are some extensive use of conventional laser weapons, such as a laser target designator (LD-pumped solid-state lasers), laser radar [12]. Quality of Laser Pointer will determine quality of Laser Pointer . All problems of quality control of Laser Pointer have been solved
Laser missile defense system. The laser missile defense or laser anti-missile basic characteristics are: by the speed of light, high-energy laser to destroy the speed of sound running of the missile or other flight solid. We can say in this regard is the LD-pumped solid-state lasers in the world, because it has some prominent advantages.

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