Sunday, March 17, 2013

laser cladding technology

In the production line, the laser cutting robot parts for metal forming has been online three-dimensional cutting. Efficient application of laser cutting systems, significantly reducing development time for new cars and car production preparation period, the production of automated and flexible. According to reports, the car manufacturing laser cutting than traditional machining methods of processing costs reduced by 50%, and production efficiency has been greatly enhanced. Can be expected, as consumers increasingly personalized vehicle pursuit, a small quantity and variety will inevitably become the trend of car manufacturers, and with technology, continuously improving the quality of laser cutting systems, prices have dropped, laser cutting technology will automobile industry to get more widely used. The complete implementation of personnel responsibility of laser pointer is very important.
In addition, the auto industry also uses the laser welding, laser surface modification, laser detection, laser rapid prototyping, laser texturing technique, laser cladding technology, and various types of laser technology. Ships with a laser range finder, laser in the Navy's most successful and most important applications, his main and TV tracker, IR tracker and optical fire control system composed of a large computer. The fire control system can be in small ships as the main fire control, in large ships can be used as auxiliary fire control system. Out of surface warships with a laser range finder, submarine periscope also used the laser range finder, we can see, the laser ranging technology is more mature in the military on the use of an example. Some specific technical details of laser pointer need to be confirmed during the meeting. Best Production Month of laser pointer. A minute of laser pointer will be formed by two parties at the end of meeting. However, the use of lasers in the military is the most sophisticated laser-guided weapons, such as laser-guided missiles, laser-guided bombs, laser-guided bombs, laser-guided torpedoes and so on. Laser-guided missile consists of three parts: the seeker, warhead, tail. Laser-guided missile and not a laser, mainly laser. Laser and is not installed in a missile, and its role in launching two planes: one is called laser machine, a missile carrying machine.

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