Tuesday, March 19, 2013

the use of laser resurfacing technology

The biggest advantage of laser cutting is the incision, less bleeding, clear operative field. Currently used super pulsed laser, the laser energy emitted together, and through a special switch to energy release in an instant, powerful energy gasification will be organized quickly, cutting not only fast, but also around the incision to minimize heat transfer, the incision minimal surrounding tissue injury. For double eyelid surgery, eyelid surgery, face lift, and achieved good results. Laser resurfacing, the use of laser resurfacing technology, which works by changing the focusing properties of the laser, the laser points into a spot, re-use pattern generator, the spot in accordance with certain graphics scanning the laser spot generated in an instant heat within the scope of the scan to remove the target tissue. Each spot intensity, density, shape and size of the scan by the computer control to accurately control the depth of the target tissue removal, for therapeutic purposes. Laser resurfacing is not only easy to overcome the traditional method of bleeding, difficult to control the depth of shortcomings, as well as to stimulate the skin elastic fibers to shrink role. The packing list of laser pointer contains a lot of information.
Contraction of the elastic fibers to tighten the skin, to further promote superficial wrinkles disappear, wrinkles more evident. During laser resurfacing before and after surgery should be dark, appropriate vitamin drugs, medication or medication to prevent postoperative facial infection. Occasionally, surgery skin pigmentation of the skin will appear in yellow are more common. Within three months after the high incidence of pigmentation, this pigmentation and more disappear in six months, no recurrence. This happens, do not have special treatment, should be dark, and under the guidance of a doctor using some skin care products. To avoid permanent pigmentation, the choice of surgical indications should pay attention, try to choose light or dark skin color of patients, for the color used with caution in between skin surgery. Laser treatment of facial capillary hemangioma, nevi and so on. The principle is that the organization of different colors for different wavelengths of laser absorption rate is different when using these specific wavelengths of laser irradiation of the lesion, these pigments, or hemoglobin, the most important by laser damage, and damage to surrounding normal tissue by the minor, when destruction of the diseased tissue is gradually absorbed by the body, disease, or skin pigment will be cured.

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