Sunday, March 17, 2013

laser cleaning technology is a green cleaning process

by regulating the laser process parameters, you can not damage the substrate surface, based on the effective removal of different types of surface contaminants, such as the new addition to a clean surface, the laser can also be easily cleaned to automate, in line with smart printing; laser cleaning equipment can be long-term use, usually require only electricity and maintenance costs, long-term use of the operating cost is relatively low; laser cleaning technology is a green cleaning process, basically do not cause pollution to the environment. The technology import of laser pointer has been arranged in the schedule.
The technology also is expected to be applied within the domestic rolling aluminum surface grease pit cleaning, suitable for PS plate or CTP plate production line of aluminum pretreatment. Laser applications in the automotive industry: the automotive industry, the laser cutting process is usually based. Laser cutting is generally low-level model using the base model or high power, laser beam has been focused by a high power density, melting or vaporization can produce material phenomena. As the metal surface for the wavelength of the CO 2 laser 1016L m high reflectivity in order to increase cutting speed and cutting quality, cutting metal parts are often blowing oxygen or compressed air, in order to improve cutting efficiency, while cutting flammable materials are blowing nitrogen other inert gas to prevent burning. Laser cutting has many advantages: sewing narrow (011mm ~ 015mm), to save material; workpiece thermal deformation is small; only without clamping positioning, marking, mechanical stress and the surface of the workpiece without damage; to cut brittle materials, and very soft , extremely hard materials, including hardened steel; incision parallel to the good, clean trimming, can be directly used for welding; high cutting speeds (up to 10m? m in the above), no tool wear; easy to implement numerical or computer controls, and multi-site operation. The worker is showing the maintenance process of laser pointer  to the customer.
Modern laser cutting technology has been developed into a complete laser cutting systems, in addition to power, a good laser modes outside the table comes with high-precision ball screw drive, the computer-controlled, multi-axis can be achieved through a variety of complex plane or space graphics of the cut, and even developed a higher precision, flexibility and better laser cutting robot. In many foreign automotive companies, laser cutting technology is very common. If the prototype development and small batch production, often use more than three-dimensional laser cutting systems, cutting of panels.

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