Thursday, May 17, 2012

The manager promises that the profit of cell phone jammer

Future expansion of the field to pay the phone is not just mobile payment, mobile payments will be entered into the field, play in the increasingly important role in the future. The sales group of china cell phone jammer has made the new sales program of next year.
"User is king," the field, is the rule clear, fully competitive, dynamic burst area, in such areas, industrial can be the best development, best business to stand out. Eric hopes mobile payments in the "user is king" direction. China's mobile payment in 2009 amounted to 11 million subscribers, a penetration rate of 4.7%, mostly 19-30 years old users (70 and 80) male, higher income, mostly for corporate executives or white-collar, and are located in first-tier cities. The next three groups, including the potential of mobile payment users online payment users, has many years experience in the use of mobile phone users and smartphone users. Prepaid and virtual prepaid account is paid SMS Taurus industry, Eric suggested SMS payments anytime, anywhere, while maintaining its advantages, based on the safety, ease of use, application rich, etc. to actively expand. The manager promises that the profit of  cell phone jammer   will increase in the next quarter of this year.
From the WAP application environment, terminal and other multi-factor study, mobile Internet equivalent of the Internet around 2003, the level of maturity and paid from the WAP explosive growth, but also requires 3-5 years of sedimentation. Currently, users favor using the client's WAP payment. IResearch believes that with the development and application of 3G-rich environment, the future of open web version will become more mainstream, this process takes five years or so. The mobile shopping, telecommunications fees, mobile lottery, etc., are expected to be paid Taurus WAP application industry. The antenna is also one of the accessories of   cell phone jammer .

Among them, Beijing's card price is 150 yuan, while Shanghai's card price of $ 120. IResearch survey data show that 32.5% of users do not want to pay for the replacement of permit, are willing to pay $ 120 for the card users, less than 20% of potential users. China Mobile insist card charging policy, future market prospects will be bleak. SMS payment has now entered a relatively mature stage, iResearch survey data, potential users, made it clear that users do not use SMS to pay 26.1% of the indicators are significantly higher than the new WAP mobile payments and near to pay. The  cell phone jammer company has a long development history of  cell phone jammer .
Messages that may be used to pay the general interest of users, but the proportion of 57.9%. Although the development of WAP to pay a limited number of years, but because there are strong with online payment alternative, the use of WAP users willingness to pay is not high. Survey data show clearly that without accounting for 20.5% of users may be interested in general use, but accounted for 61.6% of users. Local phone card payment is the latest model of mobile phone payment. Data show that the future may be more proximal to pay to use and mobile users interested in the proportion as high as 34.2%, far ahead of the other two methods of payment. These were part of the second and third tier cities in high-income groups, proximal to pay the network is still unable to cover the city; another part of the pilot cities, highly educated, high income earners, they are multi-use smart phones, cell phone high consumption groups. The document explains the enterprise management of  cell phone blocker company.
Mobile payments and related fields in the application of more and more depth. IResearch survey data shows that 89.6% of mobile phone users are willing to participate in electronic payment or payment-related fields. Users of the SMS payment security building in the most recognized. Users of the SMS message receipt verification code and recognition rate of 64.2% and 60.7%. Currently, these two operations is also a very high speed penetration into the electronic payment among the various segments. The data also show that mobile RFID chip with identification function was 45.7% of user acceptance. In addition, two-dimensional code verification, two-dimensional code shopping, close to business and other applications to send promotional information, user acceptance rate of more than 30%.

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