Thursday, February 28, 2013

What is the secret to practice reading quickly steps?

1.Warm-up exercises soft focus:
A) the first time using your left hand, and your right hand, let six inches wide air -- (hypothetical), infinite symbols -- in space.Time: 60 seconds.
B) now close your eyes and the spirit of the visual production a narrow infinite -- a symbol of the page.Down time: 60 seconds.
C) pay attention to the eye movement pattern you can from left to right, right
Out of your sight.
D) to your RasterMaster or pen and Practice on a page, a sentence of the width, using Z for the Zorro strategy.Time: 60 seconds.
A soft consists of three elements:
One, pay attention to your eyes in the upper part of the letter words in each sentence.It is easier on your retina and increase your reading speed of up to 35%.
Second, the indirect word of the sentence, as if your eyes are binocular telescope; snailers focus on one word, as if their eyes are read by microscope.
Third, schizophrenia (separate), each sentence is divided into three terms of about three words each.Now use your RasterMaster or pen, to emphasize that every sentence is divided into three packages of about three words every.Continue to practice
Three block of two pages.
A hard focus
To really understand the execution is to compare it to the hard focus.When we read a word, watch TV, play video games, and use our word processor, we let our narrow focus is called hard.
It is also known as the narrow, like a horse and horse blinkers, used to eliminate what is transverse left, right side.Exchange our narrow eyes in conversation.

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