Monday, February 25, 2013

Green laser pointer, more and more fashionable

Green laser has been a fascinating feat sensational science fiction from movies, video games, literature since the 1960's as a powerful weapon is usually named death ray, lightsaber, fuse, pulse rifle.The laser is also used as a symbolic icon to show that technological progress and futuristic metaphorical projection technology breakthrough by laser.
Consider a deeper sense of green laser social influence, a lot of people in the world have accepted the energy of laser beams.The game as a weapon of destruction from fantasy to reality have infinite boundary and laser called again as a production frontier future weapons come true.
Laser and youth
The youth of today find laser science fiction in reality and the green laser pointer.Mainly used as represents a pointer, because star gazing and leveling tool.The laser pointer is considered safe for use.However, laser pointers are also a chance to make death rays and light saber with green laser real.General 5 mW laser pointer can emit bright light, photon project exactly the same as light as we see in science fiction.A laser pointer and the hand-held laser with high power rating from 15 MW 600 MW, can emit bright light, and may be considered to be fatal, cause permanent eye damage.
A set of laser enthusiasts all over the world to modify these laser and give them to modify the fans how powerful can pop the balloon distance to 10 feet or lit a match and cutting plastic laser pointer has been popular to a limited number of aspiring scientists and enthusiasts.And the appearance of fashion, more and more people are fond of interest, laser pointer is modified to create a high power laser with a common goal, can be used in cutting and burning.It may not be harmful, because it may look, it is a method, the death ray reality through combustion or cut some real laser beam.
Dynamic laser pointer more is not always better, because any glare from they can easily destroy your vision and can provide a distraction.Many dream night destroyed, when people have high power laser more new and exotic for that object than the actual object itself.
The deliberate use of laser plane is a very serious crime in each country, so avoid star gazing in the vicinity of the airport and without the use of a laser plane is part of the view in the sky.

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