Thursday, February 28, 2013

What is the secret to practice reading quickly steps?

1.Warm-up exercises soft focus:
A) the first time using your left hand, and your right hand, let six inches wide air -- (hypothetical), infinite symbols -- in space.Time: 60 seconds.
B) now close your eyes and the spirit of the visual production a narrow infinite -- a symbol of the page.Down time: 60 seconds.
C) pay attention to the eye movement pattern you can from left to right, right
Out of your sight.
D) to your RasterMaster or pen and Practice on a page, a sentence of the width, using Z for the Zorro strategy.Time: 60 seconds.
A soft consists of three elements:
One, pay attention to your eyes in the upper part of the letter words in each sentence.It is easier on your retina and increase your reading speed of up to 35%.
Second, the indirect word of the sentence, as if your eyes are binocular telescope; snailers focus on one word, as if their eyes are read by microscope.
Third, schizophrenia (separate), each sentence is divided into three terms of about three words each.Now use your RasterMaster or pen, to emphasize that every sentence is divided into three packages of about three words every.Continue to practice
Three block of two pages.
A hard focus
To really understand the execution is to compare it to the hard focus.When we read a word, watch TV, play video games, and use our word processor, we let our narrow focus is called hard.
It is also known as the narrow, like a horse and horse blinkers, used to eliminate what is transverse left, right side.Exchange our narrow eyes in conversation.

What is the laser hazard classification?

The laser has a broad power, need classification and specific safety procedures.Although the cold laser is usually used for non - invasive medical procedures constitute the minimum harm to the human body, the other lasers in the more powerful the scope of the current radiation and the danger of burns.Therefore, laser hazard classification system has been established.Based on the frequency of beam, laser hazard classification of service to ensure that when the need to take special care.To power and range, laser hazard classification?
Laser and their system by calling for a federal law that manufacturers have a classification.If it is a modification of a new task, it will need a new classification.Laser were assigned to 4 classes of 1, according to the possible biological damage.
Class I
Laser in this classification can not emit laser radiation in a dangerous level known.User class I laser usually exempt from radiation hazard control in the operation and maintenance.These lasers including your typical laser pointer or laser cat toys.
Class IA
This includes a special name for a 1000 second exposure based on.These are not in order to see if the supermarket laser scanner.For a class of IA emission is defined as a discharge is not more than the class I limits for a period of 1000 seconds.They did not cause harm, provide a contact beam is less than 1000 seconds.
Level two
These low power, visible laser issued the class I level, but not a radiation power is higher than 1 mW.It is assumed that the aversive response of human nature of light will protect a person.Therefore, the classification of specific control.
Class IIIA
This includes the intermediate drive those only regarded as a dangerous intrabeam watch.Limited control is applied to the classification.
Kind of hope
These include those with moderate power, without fire hidden trouble, but still be able to produce a dangerous diffusion reaction.Classification of the specific control requirements for their use.
Level Four
These are high power and harmful view under any condition.They also have the potential danger of fire, will damage the skin.This classification requires specific control their use.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The laser pointer is the best and convenient size

The laser pointer is the best and convenient size and does not require hands-free operation.
Green laser is the only color, should consider the astronomy.The number of required power vary depending on the person you will use.As a general method, the more people you and strong laser energy.Usually a 15 MW 35 MW is sufficient.As pointed out by hand and a laser pointer is the ideal.For installation in a telescope, a laser with a hands-free medium size is the best.
For the combustion of common, such as lighting a match, cutting electrical tape, broken balloons, 95 - 125 MW power is more than sufficient.If the money is not a problem, you want to smoke, burning clothes and melt the plastic, you will need at least 150 - 200 megawatts of electricity.
Color is not a problem, because of high power laser can only be green.
Pointing out the door
A beam is clearly visible, in direct sunlight in a long distance, at least 55 MW power is wise.For some applications, such as alignment, laser and an on / off switch and efficient radiator is ideal
Non-lethal deterrence
For maximum effect and influence, at least 200 megawatts of power would be the ideal.Higher power will make the laser to stop people faster and longer range.In the tactical environment, laser portability is a problem and smaller as Sparta series is ideal.

How to buy a laser pointer -- Guidelines on how to buy the right laser do

Different types of lasers
Laser is present in the red (632 nm), green (532 nm), and blue (473 nm), orange (594 nm) and infrared (808 nm to 1064 nm).Laser color determines the visibility of the laser beam and the price, attractive.Laser color uncertain laser energy.
Laser power level measurement in mW which is an acronym mw.The range of available power from 1 kW to 400 mw.Power is a key factor in determining the possible application of laser and laser price.Power also determines the laser hazards.
The size of the laser can range from a small size AAA battery the size of a baseball bat.The laser pointer is the two most common size on the laser pen size, portable laser small enough to fit in your pocket and larger hand size.
The on / off switch
The laser can be two types of switches, instantaneous opening or closing pressure switch and a standard Click to open or close the switch.Switch type determines the laser can be used or not.Many applications need to use laser is not free.
Safety features
Safety properties can range from zero to a fine range of keys, software dog, lens shutter and time delay.
Laser you deserve?
It all depends on what you want, laser your budget.
The blue and green laser is the best for the lecture because blue is the most impressive, is also the most expensive.A very important point and buy the demonstration of laser is power.Never buy laser power more than 5-10mW because the danger of your audience and your self.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to find a high quality laser pointer

One thing that laser pointer difficulty is rich brand itself.Retailers and online stores with different brands and models of these laser products, make it harder for customers to select the products to meet their needs.Some people even confused, they think these products is the same.They think these products have different price just because they are made by different manufacturers.They don't know is, not all of these products are made of high quality laser.
There are a lot of laser products.In fact, the laser product users will no longer stability and red smile because these products are present in many colors such as green, blue, yellow, purple.This means that you can have a lot of choice, you can use in your presentation and report.In these colors, green beam won more and more customers demand.This is because its visibility especially in the dark.Green laser pointer can be the coolest color, you can use in your slides.A laser pointer green beam will not easily mixed with other colors, display in your speech, so people can see it in the whole program.
When looking for a high quality laser pointer, first of all, you should do is to ask yourself what you are looking for quality standard in such products.Many people want a pointer, will continue for a long time.This means that they will no longer be troubling always changing device.In addition, have a high quality product, will give the results of quality for a long time can save you money.If you want to ensure that the quality of laser pointer, you want to buy, you must do a simple on the product research.It's not about manufacturers say about the product but it is about you say about it.
Not all of the laser pointers are equal, not every laser will find useful military applications.Only the best green laser pointer should be placed in the hands of men and women on the front lines, both to protect and have the ability to be aggressive and terrify the enemy.If you want to buy a CD for someone, you know in the armed forces, we must do some research they may actually can use and ensure the quality of the laser is the highest standard, because it can literally be a matter of life and death on the battlefield.

Green laser pointer advantage

It is never a doubt, when the laser is talking about in any conversation starter terminology, red laser has the same.But the new technology in the stimulus, the emergence of a new variant of the promising quality, than the rest of the casual.Green laser pointers from the laser field to prove that it can boast.When it comes to the spectral visibility, green is the most popular, with a 532 nm.
These green block miracles are better than the best of the best in their time.In fact, these green giant boasts many advantages such as its brightness and matching strength, wisdom to win the competition in the market.It is good, it also has many uses and needs to be explored in the future.
These devices are readily available in the market today.Because so many varieties of influx, competition tends to be the best, so the purchase of public money value.Even a bundle, make the thingies a more attractive.Enthusiasm has discriminating taste must consider, purchased from eBay often become a headache.Why come from such a fact: even though they might be cheap, quality is sometimes sub-standard edge.
If you are going to give you the extra mile, here are some ideas, you need to remember.Get a 532 green laser, a solid beam, non-proliferation, and ensure that it has a good range when it comes to distance, high quality varieties can span up to 60 miles.And then, to study and compare the shocking, what not to buy, you have in your grasp green laser miracle.Just always want to use them, use it with security, you will never go wrong.
At the same time, laser body practice is an important consideration.If the use of laser in the battle of laser an important housing is mixed with strong material.Some of the world's best laser is composed of aircraft grade aluminum or black polished brass strong light, sturdy.The body more strong laser less chance, it can be damaged and fault.
3.What type of battery do laser to use?
This is a problem, not that often but is actually crucial for military use in considering laser.Because of some laser using a power supply (battery), need to plug in the power, charging can be at home when using large, but when in the field away from the power socket can be a problem.Often a soldier will be able to use the new replacement battery and battery charging current.Therefore, laser using common battery like AAA or AA is a member of the armed services, the most valuable, new batteries can be replaced without the need for lengthy charging.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Laser designator, non-lethal deterrence

Where sin is possible, but we must be thankful, authorities have always catch the criminals.Although they are be trained with regularity, by a police officer is not an easy task, especially when you are chasing a criminal continue to run.This could be a physical challenge most of the police.They can chase criminals, but they do not have the right to shoot, unless they are ordered or when the crime is a threat.This means that the crime should not hurt, should as far as possible, be captured.
Non-lethal deterrence is a kind of technology, they can apply to prevent crime operation.They can take the legs or criminals, they can use other tools to at least make people.There are many non-lethal deterrence tools, they can use which may not be fatal crimes."A Taser stun gun by many authorities or the egregious offenders.It will at least enable people because of electric shock, let the suffering of the people.Although effective, it can only be used when you closer to your goal. A set of laser enthusiasts all over the world to modify these laser and give them to modify the fans how powerful can pop the balloon distance to 10 feet or lit a match and cutting plastic laser pointer has been popular to a limited number of aspiring scientists and enthusiasts.And the appearance of fashion, more and more people are fond of interest, laser pointer is modified to create a high power laser with a common goal, can be used in cutting and burning.It may not be harmful, because it may look, it is a method, the death ray reality through combustion or cut some real laser beam.
so famous nightclubs as light effect, people will attract it.
Laser pointer to create a new generation of interest in the information age, this can be with a spring in the 1940's..Laser pointer function that makes a fashionable youth.
The responsible use of green laser pointer
The commercial availability of high power laser pointer has been existed since 2004 and traders warned, constantly remind the buyer will be responsible for the processing of laser.It is always recommended to a high power laser is to use appropriate eye protection and directional air craft is a crime.Remember, a laser pointer beyond 5 MW is not a toy, be responsible for processing by the owners.
Sometimes, the criminals are real run, especially when they are chasing many authorities.Laser pointer commercial today has become one of the solutions to this problem.Because it is a range, it can help prevent the criminals even when they are away from the police.It is the principle of it with the eyes of crime in order to blind him temporarily not cause permanent eye damage.This has become possible because of the high energy laser pointer products available today such as green laser pointer.In addition to the police, the laser pointer green also use the armed forces and other law enforcement agencies.

Green laser pointer, more and more fashionable

Green laser has been a fascinating feat sensational science fiction from movies, video games, literature since the 1960's as a powerful weapon is usually named death ray, lightsaber, fuse, pulse rifle.The laser is also used as a symbolic icon to show that technological progress and futuristic metaphorical projection technology breakthrough by laser.
Consider a deeper sense of green laser social influence, a lot of people in the world have accepted the energy of laser beams.The game as a weapon of destruction from fantasy to reality have infinite boundary and laser called again as a production frontier future weapons come true.
Laser and youth
The youth of today find laser science fiction in reality and the green laser pointer.Mainly used as represents a pointer, because star gazing and leveling tool.The laser pointer is considered safe for use.However, laser pointers are also a chance to make death rays and light saber with green laser real.General 5 mW laser pointer can emit bright light, photon project exactly the same as light as we see in science fiction.A laser pointer and the hand-held laser with high power rating from 15 MW 600 MW, can emit bright light, and may be considered to be fatal, cause permanent eye damage.
A set of laser enthusiasts all over the world to modify these laser and give them to modify the fans how powerful can pop the balloon distance to 10 feet or lit a match and cutting plastic laser pointer has been popular to a limited number of aspiring scientists and enthusiasts.And the appearance of fashion, more and more people are fond of interest, laser pointer is modified to create a high power laser with a common goal, can be used in cutting and burning.It may not be harmful, because it may look, it is a method, the death ray reality through combustion or cut some real laser beam.
Dynamic laser pointer more is not always better, because any glare from they can easily destroy your vision and can provide a distraction.Many dream night destroyed, when people have high power laser more new and exotic for that object than the actual object itself.
The deliberate use of laser plane is a very serious crime in each country, so avoid star gazing in the vicinity of the airport and without the use of a laser plane is part of the view in the sky.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Laser display & Entertainment

Laser display & Entertainment
No roar or dance venues now completed the laser display.The same situation also can occur in any major out door events and the Asian Games, the Commonwealth Games, the Asian and African countries of the games and the Olympic Games is a typical example of.
Two high power laser pointer and portable laser can also create similar light display smaller using the basic optical.To show you what you can do with laser range in complexity from a star diffraction grating simple more carefully set and galvanometer and two dichroic mirror.
Medical care
The laser has a wide range of applications from the corrected visual acuity in medicine, healing of soft tissue operation wound burn and acceleration.In short, the laser used is divided into two categories, high power green laser (3000 MW, 10000 MW) and low power red and infrared laser (1 to 500 kW).
High power laser is used to cut and seal / burn wound, and the low level laser for the treatment of injury and promote healing.Although not designed for medical use and do not use the medical approval, medical applications of high power laser pointer and portable laser and infrared laser pointer to theory and practice.
Non-lethal deterrence
Laser pointer and portable laser now commonly used by law enforcement agencies and the armed forces around the world as a highly effective method of non-lethal deterrence.From the laser beam can be temporarily overwhelm a gangster's visual senses, causing serious obstacles to effective orientation, and they did not cause permanent eye damage or the use of force.
Military application of laser pointer range from painting and command force action, warning of potentially hostile.Portable laser with how the military warned / stop suspicious or positive drive vehicle or method of operating checkpoints teams use deadly force.

effective a series of protection of birds

Aiming at the equipment
As a sports person of some target practice or a soldier on the battlefield, high power laser pointer can help you improve your objective and accuracy.Long range ultra at 10 miles, any target laser pointer will enable you to line up in the visual range.Even in said of peaceful times. Under, green laser is an obvious point, can greatly improve the accuracy of.
Construction / alignment
In the building and construction sites, the high power laser pointer and portable laser is ideal for engineers and field manager points out details and function.Laser beam spot is visible in all conditions allow fast and efficient recognition function in a web site.Effectively save money by eliminating waste time and reduce errors.
The laser pointer is used to adjust the object distance.High power laser pointers usually use two construction personnel and the keeper in the main stadium, around the world.
The spread of avian flu
Farmers, airport ground controller, pet owners and naturalists are the use of portable laser as a non-lethal spread of avian influenza.Laser assisted bird predator management to reduce bird strike rate and effective a series of protection of birds.
Two laser pointers and portable laser by farmers from different countries to supplement the avian flu spread their projects.Through the use of our laser, farmers can greatly reduce their costs (rifle or ammunition costs) and zero effect of wild animal and still comply with the local laws on the protection of wild animal.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Red and Green Laser Pointer

Red and Green Laser Pointer
A laser pointer is a laser pen, shaped like a are designed to be portable and handheld.The laser pointer is used to project was initially a point or points from the beam, can be used to point out a project or object, the audience in the demo.And their increased proliferation and strength, application of laser pointer has grown to include the use of such as astronomy, architecture, a light show and entertainment just mentioned some.
A red laser is any laser emission wavelength and the red region of the spectrum of about 620 nm to 750 nm.The typical wavelength emitted red laser 635 nm (Ruby), 650 nm (light red / orange) and 670 nm.
Green laser is a laser emission wavelength long in the green spectral region from 495 nm to 570 nm.Green laser wavelength is typically 532 nm (jade).
The most obvious difference between green and red laser pointer is a beam of visibility.The human eye is most sensitive to long wavelengths around 555 nm (green / yellow) which makes green laser is more obvious than the red laser.Green laser can appear to be about 50 times the brightness of red laser.
The main difference between other red and green laser is their complex building.Simply a red laser is composed of a circuit board, a red laser diode and a focusing lens.Green laser on the other hand is more complicated than that, because there is no laser diode green, you can use.Instead of an infrared (808 nm) diode is the use of special crystal combined with a filter to produce green laser.

To provide a perspective of power level

To provide a perspective of power level, 5 MW green laser at 532 nm is enough to make you night adjust visual and may result in serious car accident in one hundred feet from the source.Compared with 500 MW of green laser can easily cause permanent damage to your vision, start fires burning paper or other combustible material, in a relatively short distance and absolute distributed a pilot approach to the runway, a distance of two miles.Safety is everything when it comes to the laser pointer.
Because the laser is widely used, we can't forbid them but try to use and distribution of their control for better.The laser is strictly controlled by the food and Drug Administration in the United States and other FDA related management mechanism and the national production and sales of their.
To be sure, the laser is inspired by the science fiction and laser pointer to attract not only let and Star Wars fans and people from all walks of life.Whether it is a home game or grandma want effect results in the frenzy of the sports fans to let her exercise and cheap entertainment play follow the red and her 10 cats, laser everywhere.
I have been using laser for 20 years.I have been over in the design, construction and operation of a laser projector 10 years.As a laser operator or Laserist I love another avenue for creative expression selection using the magic of the media to help my charity.I'm a stained glass artist has more than 20 years of experience.
My skills and experience ranging from electronic, optical fiber, astronomy, woodworking, machining, mechanical, pneumatic, welding, pipe.
I wrote a book entitled "RGB laser projector design guide", can be purchased at my website
I also provide free DIY that you do laser effects equipment and ILDA standard laser frames from my web site to download.
If you have a laser based project but don't have the time or skill, let your thoughts to life, I can provide my R & D skills, make your dream become a reality.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The key below the green laser pen series and security

A series of green laser pointer below (100 MW - 350 MW) is another feast, laser lovers.With a wavelength of 532 nm and a high output power, the green laser pointer is equipped with safety critical.So, when you have children at home, you need to lock the laser to guarantee their safety.The laser beam can reach 6000 to 12000, so you can use it clearly visible, day and night.
You will never regret to have this terrible device, because it is a relatively safe than other super strong laser.At the same time, its function is not weaker than the other laser pointer.Let me tell you how to do so many things.It is a good assistant in astronomy, stars and celestial pointing.You can use laser to cultivate the children's interests or you can use it as a guide to explain the students knowledge, astronomy, in addition, it as a speech to assist in teaching seminars and business meetings.If you want to have fun, this green laser can burn paper, light matches and pop the balloon in a few seconds.
It is also a shining star, let the warm atmosphere in the concert or bar.If you are an airport staff, the widget can you help to drive the birds.When you go hiking and camping holiday, it may save your life in urgent and dangerous situation.In addition, green laser pointer is at the forefront of modern military battlefield, it is an ideal tool, used for homeland security.
I have to admit that it has extensive application range in a variety of situations.But the drawback is, their laser can damage a person's eyes.Safety and high power laser device is a necessary problem, can not be ignored.I hope the following suggestions can help you.
1.Remember to wear safety goggles, when you operate the green laser.
2.Never point your laser in other people, especially their face.
3.Never look directly at the laser beam.
4.Only the use of laser in a controlled environment.
5.Always be aware, conscious reflection surface such as the mirror, polished metal or glass.A reflected beam can also damage your eyes.
6.Don't let others use a laser pointer you, unless they are fully aware of the harm.
Only by adhering to these principles and rules, you can have a green laser pointer wonderful experience with you.

Understanding the laser pointer difference before you buy

If you want to buy a laser pointer online, you will see, it has tens of thousands of different models for your choice.From the different laser color (frequency), the output power (MW), design style, function, and more, it can be confusing and frustrating, to understand all the different factors in a.Here, we will look at some of the major components, different laser and will build a better understanding of a pointer, you should find.
1.Light frequency (nm)
Lasers emit visible or not visible (UV, IR) light, is light frequency, actually decided we see color vision.Light is a wave and the wave length is what determines the color of it.Laser pointer varieties is the most common 532 sea green, and for good reason.Because green is the most bright color will appear to the human eye it seven to ten times brighter than any other color at the same power.This means that any other color of a 100 MW of green laser will be much better than the 100 mW laser like red.
2.Output power (MW)
Any laser power will ultimately determine how bright ah, what can be seen, if it can light a match, pop the balloon, and other combustion ability.The output power can be as low as 1 kW to 1000 kW (1 W) and more portable unit.Possible distance higher output power larger and large amount of heat and brightness.If you want to buy a burning laser, you need not less than 200 MW in any color to the amount of heat is released.
3.Power supply
Many different laser pointer using cell styles depending on a wide range of internal engineering units and what kind of voltage requirements.You will usually use double the average sum of laser "" or "" three batteries and not charging the battery usually support varieties.Other more powerful laser, usually with large size can use rechargeable batteries from CR123, Li - 18650, and many other varieties.Must go to any laser model you consider what the battery needs? They included? A charger? All the things to look for.