Thursday, August 2, 2012

The antennae and power supply of cell phone jammer

 Chinese college students number more than 2000 million. Clearly, the target market size is large enough, and next year can add a considerable amount of fresh blood ", the domestic mobile phone new users will mainly come from this group. If you can hold this source, the domestic mobile phone manufacturers will be no lack of water to drink, surrounded prominent foreign mobile phone is no longer distant. Accurate market positioning, business success, expand markets, increase market share. So that cell phone jammer  can be used for a longer time.
When the domestic mobile phone market, the economically developed coastal cities in mobile phone sales channels has been firmly mobile phones such as Motorola and Nokia foreign control, while the second and third tier cities in the Mainland is a foreign mobile phone manufacturers disadvantaged areas. In high-end market through market segmentation, the domestic manufacturers of hand-country machine target market in the second and third tier cities, the implementation of intensive, focusing on a breakthrough marketing strategy. Domestic mobile phone to avoid the edge, into the second and third tier cities, in recent years twenty-three by urban mobile phone growth rapidly, the achievements of today's domestic mobile phone. In the case of products over the homogenization, the price is most competitive weapons. And only after that, the customer can turn on cell phone jammer .
Product development and positioning - freedom of choice, personalization, and low prices. Analysis of this group of young students, can be found in their common feature is younger, better educated, active thinking, the courage to accept new things, desire for freedom, personalized, have the potential but not rich. Taking into account the consumption characteristics of the target customer base, the products provided by First price can not be too high, and try to meet the individual needs of different users individual function, color, and appearance. Looking at the various brands of mobile phones only in appearance, color, different function in addition to a small number of the most advanced technology is basically the same. The antennae and power supply of cell phone jammer  are correctively connected.

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