Sunday, August 12, 2012

The actually needed shielding range ofcell phone jammer should be considered

The actually needed shielding range ofcell phone jammer  should be considered.
Group business planning program received an application for review, through the audit, the product of collaborative product managers discuss with partners to identify business development needs. 6) collaborative product product manager for business development needs to submit to the product group - technical assessment of the operations support team staff conducted a technical feasibility assessment, if the point of the function involved in the operational programs under the existing conditions can not be achieved, the feedback to the product of collaborative product manager;  If adopted by the technical assessment, product manager of the collaborative product requires cooperative product development, staff development cycle assessment and evaluation cycle back to the partners. And then the suitablecell phone jammer of the appropriate shielding radius or range can be selected according to the real situation.
collaborative product product manager of business development preparation need to develop appropriate business line plan, the plan includes office data applications, business training, content preparation, nodes set up, business development, testing and on-line and other key sectors. According to the on-line plan, product manager of the collaborative product of CP information submitted by the partners and mobile video business code allocation rules, complete the business code, billing business code allocated to the product group business support team Bureau data management Bureau data application, the application requires the subsidiary business planning program; Bureau of Data Management Bureau data submitted by the product manager of the collaborative product applications for audit, the audit after the passage above to the data service center Technology Business Unit, through the OA process, the newspaper group Company for approval. If the area of the location where the using of the cell phone is forbidden is small, cell phone jammer of a smaller and more suitable shielding radius or range should be chosen.
Collaborative product product manager responsible for organizing the right partners for business training, and related operations documentation. The partners need root operation documentation, completion of the video content compression, and submit a different bit rate and format of the file to the collaborative product product manager.

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