Thursday, July 19, 2012

The portable feature of a cell phone jammer

Table 1, two types of source field and the propagation characteristics of the field source type near-field far-field field characteristics of propagation characteristics of field characteristics of propagation characteristics of electric dipole non-planar wave to attenuate the plane wave to attenuate the magnetic dipole-plane wave to attenuate the plane wave to attenuate the wave impedance space of a point electric field strength and the ratio of the magnetic field strength, different field sources, near and far fields are different, the wave impedance is different, Table 2 and Figure 3 graphically shows are the wave impedance.MDPB-02 cell phone jammer has no antenna. Table 2 two types of source impedance field type wave impedance of the source near-field far-field electric dipole 120π 120π 120π 120 magnetic dipole component of the electric field energy density, including energy density and magnetic field energy density component, through a source generated by the same electric field, magnetic field components of the energy density can be compared to determine the source field components in the different regions which accounts for the main ingredients, in order to determine the specific shielding categories. Energy density is given by the following expression: electric field component of the magnetic field energy density energy density energy density of field sources in Table 3 the total energy density of two types of source field source type near-field energy density is far-field electric dipole magnetic dipole Table 3 shows the two sources in the far field, near-field energy density.When use a cell phone jammer, people should test the field intensity of the base station on site. As can be seen from the table, two sources are very different near-field, electric dipole near-field energy for the electric field component main, component of the magnetic field can be ignored; magnetic dipole near-field energy is mainly for the magnetic field component, electric field components can be ignored; two types of sources in the far field, the electric field, magnetic field components must be simultaneously considered. Shielded type based on the above analysis the following categories: classification of field sources in Table 4 shielded electric dipole type (non-closed current-carrying conductors) electrical shielding (including static shielding) electromagnetic shielding magnetic dipole (closed current-carrying wire) magnetic shielding ( including the constant magnetic field shielding) electric shielding electromagnetic shielding is to reduce the essence of two devices (or two circuits, components, component) between the electric field induced effects.Then find out the corresponding blocking radius of the cell phone jammer.

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