Sunday, July 15, 2012

The cell phone jammer company is totally self-manufactured

Typical unfiltered wires through the shield, the shielding effectiveness of more than 30db reduction. b, when the power cord into the chassis, all should be through the filter box. Input filter is best to wear clothing to shield case outside; case if the filter structure should not wear clothing, it should be in the power cord into the chassis out of a compartment for the filter set. c, signal lines, control lines into / out chassis, through the appropriate filter. With multi-core filter pin connectors used for such occasions. d, through the control shaft of the metal shield, it should be metal contacts, ground nuts or RF ground pad. The external mains of cell phone jammer could avoid overheating which may affect the useful time and shielding effect.Can not grounded metal shaft, while the other axis through the waveguide with a cutoff frequency higher than the operating frequency of the park management to do the control shaft. e, must pay attention to the cut-off waveguide metal shaft or wire through the hole will be severely reduce the shielding effectiveness. f, when the required control on the insulation of the metal shaft, the shaft can be controlled short of implicit, not adjusted, the nut or metal liner with a flexible mount cap cover. g, fuse, jacks, etc., with metal cap. h, with the conductive pads and gaskets, nuts, etc. to achieve leak-proof toggle switches installed. i, the shielding, ventilation, high quality and strength requirements are not stringent, the shield plate with a honeycomb vents, the best way to keep cable welded to prevent leakage. j, as the indicator, followed by the display screen, and all lead with feedthrough capacitor filter. k, the indicator can not be shielded from the back / display and filtering of the leads, use a continuous connection with the case of metal mesh or conductive shielding glass indicator / display front. This cell phone jammer company has its own technical advantage.The shield wire to the clip glass, while maintaining a reasonable light transmission conditions, the shielding effectiveness of 30 ~ 1000m up to 50 ~ 110db. In a transparent plastic or glass coated transparent conductive film, the shielding effect is generally not greater than 20db. But the latter can eliminate static electricity to build on the observation window, the instrument used.
Shielding Shielding is the meaning of magnetic materials with conductive material or a region will be isolated to the internal radiation field can not be beyond the region, outside the radiation field can not enter this area (or be greatly attenuated). Shielding effect in accordance with the principle, can be divided into field shielding, magnetic shielding and electromagnetic shielding.cell phone jammer company has rich experience in manufacturing products. The role and structure of the surface shielding and shielding the charge induced in vivo, is closely related to current and polarization. Field shielding, including shielding and electrostatic alternating electric field (high-impedance source of near-field electric field) shielding. 1 electrostatic shield conductors in the electrostatic field in a static equilibrium, the following properties: (1) the electric field at any point within the conductor is zero; (2) any point on the conductor surface electric field direction and perpendicular to the surface of the point of the conductor; ( 3) the conductor is an equipotential body; (4) there is no electrostatic charge inside the conductor, the charge is only distributed in the conductor surface. The cell phone jammer company is technically supported by military.Even to the internal cavity of the conductor, in the electrostatic field also has the above properties.

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