Sunday, July 29, 2012

We suggest that the customer should switch off cell phone jammer

The product of this phase of the competition seems to high imitation of the cottage and cheap, but the monotony of the function and suction traps for the cottage highly controversial, but also doomed cottage is not live much longer. This stage, another change was quietly carried out, that is, the mobile Internet, it also paved the way for the next phase of mobile phone changes bought. We suggest that the customer should switch off cell phone jammer .
2009, the cottage gradually weakened, largely because it does not bring a good Internet experience. 2008, mobile Internet tariff greatly reduced, which directly promote the change of mobile phone competition points, that is, high-resolution touch screen, intelligent operating system, run the mobile application. For example, the mobile Internet, then JAVA function is required, in order to run some basic mobile applications; If you want a better online experience you need a smartphone operating system. IPONE is selling well in foreign countries, this will not happen in the country temporarily, but it reflects a trend that is intelligent, touch screen. Andcell phone jammer  can work stably and reliably for a long time.
But will not become mainstream in the country this trend for quite some time, after all, the phone is a communication tool for most people. The coming period the domestic market, the mainstream mobile phone should look like it? High-resolution touch-screen smartphone operating system. Although these phones do not most people use, but it represents the development trend of the mobile Internet market share will continue to improve. Apple spoiler, the domestic media, the focus is also on the Touch smartphone, mobile phone manufacturers no such products then the media would undoubtedly have been neglected. Such phones in the next five years will probably occupy 20% -30% market share. The quality of cell phone jammer  is ultra high and the performance is good and high.

The customer can use cell phone jammer freely without any worry

Multimedia. MP3 function implanted cell phone can be described as a great undertaking, then got out of hand, the MP3/MP4 gradually become the standard configuration of the mainstream mobile phone. Not foreign manufacturers obviously smarter: they are they not to mention the publicity MP3/MP4 function, but the sub-function packaging from the more professional point of view, such as music phones, the Walkman. Although the main function, but foreign brands multimedia functional specialization, and successfully maintain their own high-end image. In addition, I must mention the mobile phone dual-network in 2007 / dual sim dual standby function, it is indeed a technical marvel, Unicom was great publicity, but because of this feature useful for most consumers. While some clients require a lot towards whether the power ofcell phone jammer can be adjustable manually.
So hot after the dual-mode mobile phone through the moment and did not become mainstream. Dumbfounding dual card dual standby today it became the most cottage "standard configuration", this is only the function of the small group of people become the standard configuration is a bit too wasted. Representative of models in this stage was undoubtedly the Motorola V3 2008 as a separate stage, this stage of the domestic mobile phone market has undergone a revolutionary change, that is, the popularity of cottage. Large-size touch screen, 30 megapixel camera, MP3/MP4 function, large capacity battery, the large volume of multi-speaker, Bluetooth, such a typical configuration, sufficient ordinary functions, and an unprecedented low price, so the cottage in the country The hot market, completely changed the mobile phones in people's minds is the image of the high-tech products, and greatly promote the popularity of mobile phones. cell phone jammer  can be used in various locations of different sizes.
Especially in the rural market, cottage share of up to 70%. But this is not good for domestic regular army, the popularity of the cottage further compression of the market space, the deteriorating market environment, the old domestic brands have losses; for Nokia and other foreign manufacturers, but also to varying degrees by the impact.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

There exists a power supply indicator on the host of cell phone jammer

Some dealers in order to disrupt the market of competing products, select advanced a number of competing brands selling products, special sales, to disrupt the opponent's market price, take advantage of. TM, TM is the old machine converted into a certain price, consumers by making it up the way to buy a new machine. The switching on operation of cell phone jammer is very easy and convenient.
TM is divided into the ones with the brand name products and any new ones two kinds. More current is the second way, this way you can attract buyers of other brands, consumer wider. (TM needs a more detailed understanding of activities in the local market, the purpose is to promote the upgrading of products, to expand the market, but also the convenience of customers, giving the customer the benefits.) View: phone non-durable consumer goods, the life cycle of about six months to two years (6 to 24 months), the TM in this way to choose the timing properly, is highly desirable. Broad prospects for the domestic mobile phone market, global market shipped 510 million in 2003, is expected to reach 560 million in 2004. There exists a power supply indicator on the host of cell phone jammer .
Shipped about 140 million domestic market in 2003 is expected to yield $ 170 million, the actual domestic demand of around 080 million, production capacity will be surplus in 2004, each brand will be exported as a market center of gravity. 3G mobile phones, in contrast, with the acceleration of the pace of 3G launched, many domestic and foreign manufacturers spotted the domestic 3G market, vied for the 3G mobile phone market, to do pre-emptive share in China's future 3G mobile phone market, in order to win the world. Operators will drive the market, which with the operators in order to promote more new business will be more to participate in mobile phone sales, especially in the promotion of new business, the formation of bundled sales monopoly specific groups will be subject to concerns as well as the network coverage is strengthened. The power supply indication light on the host of cell phone jammer  is lit.

This kind of cell phone jammer can also be used in the military place

This kind of cell phone jammer  can also be used in the military place
Price cuts, price cuts is to reduce prices to promote sales promotions. The price reduction can be divided into the overall price adjustment and part of the price adjustment. The overall price adjustment: the full line of products to reduce the sales price, such as "audience full of 1000 back to 100" in the form; part of the price adjustment: some products to reduce the price, mainly for processing inventory models or best-selling models, the new prices generally should not be a sale . (Price reduction is the most common way for a promotion, but also reflect a measure of the promotional efforts size can be effective in attracting the attention of customers, increase consumption power price cuts consumers feel the most is none other way but be sure to grasp the lower prices frequency and amplitude. All the connection and inspection of cell phone jammer is accomplished.
Otherwise, on the one hand, reduce the profit of the other hand, the price cut is too large to make consumers feel "not realistic", purchased the consumer will be heartache and came back to find the "spread", holding money purchasing consumers that "the drop so much, will definitely lower and lower," the concept of doubts about the purchase. Special machine, special machine is part of the price dropped to very low, lower than the cost price or slightly higher than the cost price to sell, to attract customers, boost the popularity play a role. Special machine is divided into low-end special deals and high-end low-end deals on low-end products for special sales to attract popularity; high-end special is the high-end products, special sales, mainly to promote sales, promote sales and sales growth. The customer can switch on cell phone jammer .
Special machine is a limited time-limited, which is of special machine and price promotions difference. The main role of the special machine there are three: First, the boom in popularity, and two, to help clear the inventory is to help the dealer to complete the sales and sales. Special machine is a low-margin sales, and sometimes even losing money in trading, and therefore rational use, otherwise it will cause the price of confusion, affect the overall sales.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The keystrokes of cell phone jammer

Determine the number of wear-resistant specimen sample in one of the following conditions of rotation is the number of wear-resistant samples: a) sample 5 the average position of the measuring resistor is not greater than 1? time; b) when the shielding efficiency of not less than 40dB; c) grid-like damage to the surface appear larger than or equal to 6 cm 2; d) the area of individual holes is greater than or equal to 2 cm 2 pm. The results a) to take three samples the number of wear-resistant cloth to wear as the arithmetic mean number of revolutions; wear rotation should not be less than 500 rpm; b) test data; It will better that there is no base station within a range of 200-300m around the place wherecell phone jammershielding system is needed to be installed. allow maximum relative error is less greater than the average of 40% maximum relative error is expressed as a percentage and calculated as follows: the maximum relative error = maximum (or minimum)? average mean × 100% when the results exceed the allowable relative error, the homes to the maximum error of the sample measurement, re-added sample test, until it meets the required date. Test report The test report shall include the contents of the same 6.1.8 breaking strength and elongation test indicative of a major equipment or records added to the specimen until it stretched from the most vigorous and the corresponding elongation of the specimen constant elongation (CRE ) tester.cell phone jammer influence from architectural layout in the prison should also be considered.  Tester indicates the error or record breaking force should not exceed ± 1%, instructions or record clamp spacing error should not exceed ± 1mm. Two clip forceps instrument should be at the center of the axis of tension on the jaw line clip pliers and pull line should be vertical, gripping surface should be in the same plane. Clip pliers should be able to grip the specimen samples without slipping, clamp clip surface should be smooth, not cut or damage the specimen sample. If you can not prevent the sample clip pliers slip gripping surface at the appropriate cushioning material; can also use other forms of holder, held hostage by the width of not less than 60mm.The shielding position ofcell phone jammersystem in the prison should be designed. Sample Sampling 16 GB/T6568 -2008 sampling method with Sample preparation for precise clipping and trimming edges yarn, so that the sample width of 50mm, length 200mm.

The unique integrated design of cell phone jammer

Sample preparation a) in the sample cloth at least 50mm away from the fabric edge, press and weft yarn diameter vertical clipping size of 260mm × 260mm square sample, a total of 3, along the edges into the seam around the edge; b) sampling method with Test Procedure a) washing: the three samples into the washing machine and add a certain amount of equivalent load, so that the total dry weight of the fabric is equal to 2kg; to the washing machine into the 40L ± 4L water, the water temperature reached 50 ℃ ~ 70 ℃, and the washing machine operating in the "normal" washing position (if the weight of the sample than 2kg, it should increase in the proportion of water); with a sufficient amount of detergent and stir into the soap water and start washing machine 2min.The importance of installing cell phone jammerin the prison will be stated in the next paragraph. b) rinsing: up to soap, washing machines continue to run to start the rinse were rinsed three times, each time 2min ~ 3min; c) Dehydration: the sample and dehydrated into a bucket with the equivalent load for dehydration, time of 1min ~ 2min; d) in the final after a dehydration process, the sample and the equivalent load out, put together the dryer, drying temperature of 65 ℃ ~ 70 ℃, until drying up. In this way, a "washing - drying" process to complete. Done 10 times, "washing - drying" process, the sample should be flattened on the ambient temperature of 23 ℃ ± 2 ℃, relative humidity of 45% to 55% of the storage conditions for more than 4h, and then press 6.1.1 , 6.1.2,6.1.3 and 6.1.5 of the method to re-do the electrical tests and fire tests. personnel will discuss how to build cell phone jammershielding system in the prison. Test results for 10 times, "washing - drying" process, the cloth of the electrical properties and fire performance, no significant decrease, its technical performance should meet the requirements in Table 1. Test report The test report shall include the contents of the same 6.1.7 The main equipment wear test a) a disc-type fabric abrasion test machine, the work plate diameter of 140mm, the friction wheel track width 24mm, use silicon carbide grinding wheel specification is 150; b) a Vice planimeter. Sample a) in the sample cloth at least 50mm away from the fabric edge, press and weft yarn diameter vertical clipping size of 240mm × 240mm square sample, a total of three;Many factors should be considered when buildingcell phone jammershielding system. b) sampling method with 1; 15 2 GB/T6568 -2008 c) sample processing with Test conditions to be in the test temperature of 23 ℃ ± 2 ℃, relative humidity of 45% to 55% of the environment. Test Procedure a) wheel dressing, wheel exposed to a new friction surface and edges with sandpaper hand grinding wheel Grinding wheel every 500 turn, the need to repeat the repair time, to ensure the correctness of the test; b) on the sample work on the fixed disk, so that the sample flat stretch, and to put some pressure on the sample surface, the wheel weight plus the weight of 0.25kg; c) start the wear machine, and start the vacuum cleaner and clean with a brush wheel to maintain the grinding wheel powder-free absorption, 500 mill turn down, check the sample surface changes, according to the method described in 6.1.1 shielding effectiveness measurement of the sample, measured by the method described in 6.1.2 the sample resistance. Influence from the base station should be taken into the account when buildingcell phone jammershielding system.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The portable feature of a cell phone jammer

Table 1, two types of source field and the propagation characteristics of the field source type near-field far-field field characteristics of propagation characteristics of field characteristics of propagation characteristics of electric dipole non-planar wave to attenuate the plane wave to attenuate the magnetic dipole-plane wave to attenuate the plane wave to attenuate the wave impedance space of a point electric field strength and the ratio of the magnetic field strength, different field sources, near and far fields are different, the wave impedance is different, Table 2 and Figure 3 graphically shows are the wave impedance.MDPB-02 cell phone jammer has no antenna. Table 2 two types of source impedance field type wave impedance of the source near-field far-field electric dipole 120π 120π 120π 120 magnetic dipole component of the electric field energy density, including energy density and magnetic field energy density component, through a source generated by the same electric field, magnetic field components of the energy density can be compared to determine the source field components in the different regions which accounts for the main ingredients, in order to determine the specific shielding categories. Energy density is given by the following expression: electric field component of the magnetic field energy density energy density energy density of field sources in Table 3 the total energy density of two types of source field source type near-field energy density is far-field electric dipole magnetic dipole Table 3 shows the two sources in the far field, near-field energy density.When use a cell phone jammer, people should test the field intensity of the base station on site. As can be seen from the table, two sources are very different near-field, electric dipole near-field energy for the electric field component main, component of the magnetic field can be ignored; magnetic dipole near-field energy is mainly for the magnetic field component, electric field components can be ignored; two types of sources in the far field, the electric field, magnetic field components must be simultaneously considered. Shielded type based on the above analysis the following categories: classification of field sources in Table 4 shielded electric dipole type (non-closed current-carrying conductors) electrical shielding (including static shielding) electromagnetic shielding magnetic dipole (closed current-carrying wire) magnetic shielding ( including the constant magnetic field shielding) electric shielding electromagnetic shielding is to reduce the essence of two devices (or two circuits, components, component) between the electric field induced effects.Then find out the corresponding blocking radius of the cell phone jammer.

Does cell phone jammer need a preheat time before using?

Double-shielded coaxial cable's outer shield to ground at both ends or grounding, often to the inner shield grounded signal source, and the other a termination signal to the load side of the ground electronic equipment in the signal is again located in the ground, according to the immunity test results determine if the device termination signal to the system with the stick is connected, in fact, have become ends grounded double shielded cables there are other grounding method, based on the actual use of equipment and systems to be asked to choose more effective grounding method.The required working temperature of MDPB-02 cell phone jammer is -10℃--+55℃.
What is "Magnetic Shielding"? Principle of electromagnetic shielding of electronic equipment and electronic products, EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) energy through the conductive coupling and radiative coupling to the transmission. To meet the electromagnetic compatibility requirements, requires the use of conductive coupling filtering techniques, namely the use of EMI filter components to be suppressed; coupling of radiation shielding technology was needed to be suppressed. Increasing the current density in the electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic power density per unit volume increased dramatically, a large number of high-low mix devices or equipment caused by factors such as equipment and system electromagnetic environment is increasingly deteriorating, its importance becomes more prominent.The required relative humidity for MDPB-02 cell phone jammer should be above 80%. Shield is made of metal shells, boxes, plates and other shield, the electromagnetic waves confined to a region in a way. As the radiation source into the electric field near the source region, source and far-field plane wave, so the shield radiation shielding performance based on differences in material selection, structural shapes and apertures leakage control and other aspects are different. In the design to achieve the required shielding performance, you need to first determine the radiation source, a clear frequency range, then the typical leakage according to each frequency band structure, determine the control elements, and then select the appropriate shielding materials, design shielding shell. The radiation shield with the ability to inhibit interference shielding effectiveness SE (Shielding Effectiveness) to measure the shielding effectiveness of the definition: no shield, radiated interference from the source to a point in space (P) field strength 1 (1) and adding shield, the radiation interference source to the space at the same point (P) of the field strength 2 (2) ratio, with dB (decibels) said.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The cell phone jammer company is totally self-manufactured

Typical unfiltered wires through the shield, the shielding effectiveness of more than 30db reduction. b, when the power cord into the chassis, all should be through the filter box. Input filter is best to wear clothing to shield case outside; case if the filter structure should not wear clothing, it should be in the power cord into the chassis out of a compartment for the filter set. c, signal lines, control lines into / out chassis, through the appropriate filter. With multi-core filter pin connectors used for such occasions. d, through the control shaft of the metal shield, it should be metal contacts, ground nuts or RF ground pad. The external mains of cell phone jammer could avoid overheating which may affect the useful time and shielding effect.Can not grounded metal shaft, while the other axis through the waveguide with a cutoff frequency higher than the operating frequency of the park management to do the control shaft. e, must pay attention to the cut-off waveguide metal shaft or wire through the hole will be severely reduce the shielding effectiveness. f, when the required control on the insulation of the metal shaft, the shaft can be controlled short of implicit, not adjusted, the nut or metal liner with a flexible mount cap cover. g, fuse, jacks, etc., with metal cap. h, with the conductive pads and gaskets, nuts, etc. to achieve leak-proof toggle switches installed. i, the shielding, ventilation, high quality and strength requirements are not stringent, the shield plate with a honeycomb vents, the best way to keep cable welded to prevent leakage. j, as the indicator, followed by the display screen, and all lead with feedthrough capacitor filter. k, the indicator can not be shielded from the back / display and filtering of the leads, use a continuous connection with the case of metal mesh or conductive shielding glass indicator / display front. This cell phone jammer company has its own technical advantage.The shield wire to the clip glass, while maintaining a reasonable light transmission conditions, the shielding effectiveness of 30 ~ 1000m up to 50 ~ 110db. In a transparent plastic or glass coated transparent conductive film, the shielding effect is generally not greater than 20db. But the latter can eliminate static electricity to build on the observation window, the instrument used.
Shielding Shielding is the meaning of magnetic materials with conductive material or a region will be isolated to the internal radiation field can not be beyond the region, outside the radiation field can not enter this area (or be greatly attenuated). Shielding effect in accordance with the principle, can be divided into field shielding, magnetic shielding and electromagnetic shielding.cell phone jammer company has rich experience in manufacturing products. The role and structure of the surface shielding and shielding the charge induced in vivo, is closely related to current and polarization. Field shielding, including shielding and electrostatic alternating electric field (high-impedance source of near-field electric field) shielding. 1 electrostatic shield conductors in the electrostatic field in a static equilibrium, the following properties: (1) the electric field at any point within the conductor is zero; (2) any point on the conductor surface electric field direction and perpendicular to the surface of the point of the conductor; ( 3) the conductor is an equipotential body; (4) there is no electrostatic charge inside the conductor, the charge is only distributed in the conductor surface. The cell phone jammer company is technically supported by military.Even to the internal cavity of the conductor, in the electrostatic field also has the above properties.

It is easy to buy a LM-2012 cell phone jammer

Improve the shielding effectiveness of the gap structure measures include increasing the depth of the gap, reducing the gap length, joined in with the surface of conductive pads, coated with conductive paint in seams, shorten the distance between the screws. [Lap] a, in the case of each floor and seam discontinuities and to the best possible lap.Therefore, the electromagnetic signals sent by cell phone jammer do no harm to human bodies. The worst lap of the shell of the electric shielding effectiveness play a decisive role. b, to ensure that the seams of metal on metal contact, to prevent the leakage of electromagnetic energy and radiation. c, where possible, the seams should be welded. In the case of restricted conditions, the available spot welding, riveting and convincing pitch screw to fix. d, in a non-conductive gasket, the screw spacing should generally be less than the maximum operating frequency of 1%, at least not more than 1 / 20 wavelength. e, with screws or riveted to overlap, they should first lap in the middle of a good seam, and then gradually extend to the ends to prevent bending the metal surface. The low voltage and low current of the MDPB-02 cell phone jammer guarantee the nonstop steadily long playing.f, fastening methods to ensure there is sufficient pressure so that there is deformation stress, shock, vibration, to maintain contact with the surface. g, where the seams are not flat, or removable panels, etc., must use the conductive pads or finger spring material. h, selection of high conductivity and elastic pad. Select the liner combination of the premises to consider the frequency of use. i, choose a hard liner made of ductile materials in order to cut through any metal surface. j, with cushioning material to ensure that the metal surface with no non-conductive layer of protection. k, when necessary activities to reach, use finger pressure spring, and spring means to maintain flexibility to pay attention to the pressure. l, conductive rubber gasket used in the aluminum metal surface, we should pay attention to electro-chemical corrosion. The MDPB-02 cell phone jammer selected and put the imported high-powered integrated circuit to use.Silver or monel linear rubber filler gasket will suffer the most severe galvanic corrosion. Silver aluminum filler conductive rubber is used for salt spray environment, the surface of aluminum metal with the best cushioning material. The following are ranked according to priority of various pads. A wire mesh RF gasket is easy to deformation, pressure 1.4kg/cm, the attenuation of 54db. Data indicate that the maximum attenuation at lower frequencies. For a permanent seal is better, not suitable for on and off the panel. 2 copper plated alloy has a high electrical conductivity and good corrosion resistance. Good elasticity, and the most suitable for activities with the panel. Can be made refers to the bar, spiral and saw tooth surface. Attenuation of 100db. 3 applies only nominally conductive rubber connection and a small screw place. Achieved by sealing moisture sealing and electrical 1500 ℃, 48 hours of aging, the body resistivity of 10 ~ 20mω/cm (max). The MDPB-02 cell phone jammer selected and put the imported high-powered integrated circuit to use, so the quality and performance are stable.Deformation degree of limitation is 25%. Data show that the maximum attenuation at higher frequencies. 4 conductive mont in the foam on the Mongolian a silver braid to form a soft liner, accounts for most of the loose space, mainly civilian, foam liner for cabinets and doors. Penetration and opening] [a, pay attention because the cable through the chassis to reduce the overall degree of shielding effectiveness.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Parameter modification of cell phone jammer should be done in a short time

Currently, the mobile phone standard including GSM, CDMA, 3G three, since the advent of mobile phones has gone through a first-generation analogue phones (1G), second-generation GSM, TDMA digital mobile phones, etc. (2G), 2.5G mobile communication technology CDMA and third generation mobile communication technology 3G. GSM digital mobile communication system is a major European telecom operators and manufacturers designed the composition of the Committee for Standardization, which is based on the cellular system evolved. Including GSM900MHz, GSM1800MHz and GSM1900MHz and several other bands. The security is measuring the installation of cell phone jammer  down the hall.
GSM system has several important features: ability to copy good security, network capacity, number of resource-rich, call clarity, stability, strength less susceptible to interference, the information is sensitive, less dead phone, mobile and low power consumption. Is the abbreviation of Code Division Multiple Access CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), which is a branch of the digital technology - spread spectrum communication technology to develop a new and sophisticated wireless communications technology. It can meet the demand for mobile communication capacity and quality of high demand, with high spectrum efficiency, voice quality, confidentiality, call drop rate is low, electromagnetic radiation is small, large capacity, wide coverage, etc., can significantly reduce investment and reduce operating costs.  cell phone jammer system can be controlled through the main computer of cell phone jammers .
3G is the third generation mobile communication technology, the next generation mobile communication system known. 3G systems to provide users with a better voice, text and data services. Compared with existing technologies in terms of, 3G technology, the main advantage is to greatly increase system capacity and improve communication quality and data transfer rate. Also take advantage of seamless roaming between different network technology, wireless communication systems and Internet connection up to the end user can provide more advanced mobile services. Compared to CDMA phones and GSM phones, CDMA mobile phone has the following advantages: CDMA mobile phone with advanced switching technology. The main computer is very important for cell phone jammer system.
Soft-switching technology (ie, well after the switch is to continue interrupted), making the CDMA mobile phone and fixed phone calls can be comparable; use the CDMA network operator's investment is relatively reduced, which lowered tariffs for CDMA mobile reserve a space; frequency due to adopt the extension of a communication-based modulation and multiple access communications, capacity 10 times higher than analog technology, about 4 times more than the GSM network; made based on the CDMA mobile broadband technology in video communication applications possible, so that phone calls and send text from the only information service in the narrow to broadband multimedia applications. Position selection of mobile phone jammer is very important.
GPRS --- General Packet Radio Service, General Packet Radio Service, is a system based on GSM wireless packet switching technology to provide end to end, wide-area wireless IP connection. More simply, GPRS is a high-speed data processing techniques, methods based on "group" in the form of sending data to the user's hand. Although the GPRS network as the existing GSM evolution to third generation mobile communication technology transition, but in many ways it has significant advantages. More installation position of cell phone jammer should be added.

The sales information of cell phone jammer should be reported

STN is a key component of early color, was only able to display 256 colors, even after transformation can display 65536 colors or 4096 colors, but now the general is still 256-color STN, the advantages are: low cost, low energy consumption. TFT's brightness, high contrast, strong sense of hierarchy, bright colors. The disadvantage is more power, higher cost. UFB is specifically designed for mobile phones and PDA's screen, it is characterized by: slim, high brightness. You can display 65,536 colors, 128 × 160 resolution can reach a resolution. The second batch of cell phone jammer is of the highest quality.
UFB display uses a special grating design, can reduce the pixel pitch for better picture quality. STN and TFT UFB combines the advantages of: less power than TFT, and STN similar price. Screen size: size of mobile screen size and display resolution is divided into two physical concepts. Physical size is the actual size of the screen. Large screen at the same time must be equipped with high-resolution, that is, under this size can be displayed in the number of pixels, the display more pixels can be expressed in the larger room for nature. The batch production of cell phone jammer will improve the manufacture of cell phone jammer .
Two mobile phone screen size the same size, but one can only display two lines of Chinese characters, the other five elements of Chinese characters can be displayed, the font size differences aside, the key is the screen resolution, which resolution is larger, naturally in the same font size of the next line to display more characters. Indeed, a good color screen phone, the screen resolution is not large enough to show, no matter how high the quality of what is the use of color. Color cell phone screen is generally about 128 × 128. LCD screen resolution is the number of cells (in the point [dot]) is obtained by dividing the screen area of the screen resolution, screen quality of this indicator is to determine the biggest factor. The parents are informed of the fact that the school will be equipped with cell phone jammer .
Therefore, in the purchase of color screen mobile phone not only to focus on the screen can display color depth, screen resolution is also a very important decision indicators. 128 * 128 dot matrix screen (or (128 +-x) * (128 +-x), x between 1 and 32), the width and height ratio of 1:1 (or 4:3,3:4 ), is the most common cell phone screen, the most suitable display resolution standard, the equivalent of a computer screen display of 800 * 600 resolution. Talk time literally can understand its meaning, that phone can be used to call time. Currently, we have seen mobile phone talk time and standby time is also just as test data. Some specific technical details of cell phone jammer need to be confirmed during the meeting.
The actual talk time depending on network conditions, mobile phones and their batteries and other power factors. More precisely, said in a phone talk time of mobile phone batteries fully charged battery under the premise, and began to call the phone has been in contact up until the phone to automatically interrupt the contact time required. Longer talk time, that the smaller the power consumption of mobile phones, mobile phones, the stronger the ability to receive signals. Instead call the shorter the time, the greater the power that mobile phone the ability to receive signals worse. The minute of cell phone jammer meeting will be signed by the customer and the manager of mobile phone jammer company.
Impact of cell phone talk time of course the main factor is the cell phone battery and the use of the environment and the use of methods, such as if the battery is not sufficient, then the phone's talk time will certainly be reduced; phone talk time outdoors than indoors strong, because in Interior cell phone needs to consume a certain amount of power to penetrate walls or other masking material. Of course, if the call is active, open the phone's screen and backlight, the talk time will surely be the standard condition than in the talk time is short. The control wiring of cell phone jammer system is indispensable.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Market Need Analysis of cell phone jammer

The slow-start circuit design of  cell phone jammer can effectively avoid the sparking phenomenon when switching on  cell phone jammer . When the defect diameter D ≤ 0.10mm and not continuous, it can not be considered defects, the number of do not count. Mentioned below refer to the number of undesirable defects on the bad side the number of defects. The human eye with the measured surface distance of 300 ~ 350mm. Each inspection takes less than 12S. View the desktop into the surface and 45 °; up and down turning left and right 15 °. Lighting: 100W cool white fluorescent light source from the measured surface 500 ~ 550mm (illumination to 500 ~ 550Lux). Check the quality of the appearance of the parts to meet the requirements; lenses correct mounting location, no warping and loose, and left and right tilt is not greater than 3 °; from the front of the lens area, face 90 ° ± 15 ° (left and right rotation) should not see the screen washer; when not in 90 ° ± 15 ° of visual display within the scope allowed to see the washer, but the washer to tidy; visual display up and down so do not see the offset, can not see the boot screen shows obvious tilt. (Requiring the display of the centerline and the centerline of the lens up and down between the offset of less than 0.2mm, left and right sides of the tilt is not greater than 3 °).  cell phone jammers  will protect the examination room and meeting room environment.
Power test display brightness uniformity and color consistency; shell before and after the shell gap between the uniform, and less than (design decorative line width +0.2 mm), uniform and less poor segment (segment design poor +0.15 mm); after the shell the gap between the battery cover and uniform, and less than (design decorative line width +0.2 mm), uniform and less poor segment (segment design poor +0.15 mm); and on the flip, the flip with a uniform gap between the shell , and less than (design gap +0.2 mm), uniform and less poor segment (segment design poor +0.15 mm); lens, with a keyboard with the gap between the shell evenly; the keys are functioning properly, and feel uniform; antenna must be tightened, the gap junction to close and uniform; the flexibility of the normal battery snaps, battery easily removable; label model is correct and in line with company requirements; location is correct, no tilt, no more than 5 ° of tilt; phone labels should be in Chinese or symbols, abbreviations represent the following: manufacturer, model, without Commission approval of Certificate No. (CMII), CE mark and the IMEI number (GSM standard), or the corresponding number (other formats).  cell phone jammer needs the maintenance and inspection.
With a sharp blade (blade angle of 15 ° ~ 30 °) in the test sample surface, designated 10 × 10 × 1 mm x 1 mm small-grids, each one marking paint should be deep and the bottom; the test area with a brush debris brush clean; with adhesion of 350 ~ 400g / cm 2 Tape (3M600 No. tape or equivalent) to be tested firmly stick to a small grid and use the eraser wipe hard tape to tape to increase the contact area with the measured area and intensity; hand to seize the tape at one end, the vertical direction (90 °) quickly ripped off tape, the same location two times the same test; results found: adhesion ≥ 4B requirements when qualified. 5B-crossed with smooth edges in the edge and crossed the intersection at no peeling paint; 4B-crossed the intersection in a small piece of paint off, and off a total area of less than 5%; 3B-in dash at the intersection of the edge and a small piece of paint off, and off 5% of the total area of ~ 15%; 2B-in and crossed the intersection at the edge of the paint off successful films, and the total area of 15% off ~ 35%; 1B-in and crossed the intersection at the edge of the paint off successful films, and the total area of 35% off ~ 65%; 0B-in and crossed the intersection at the edge of successful piece of peeling paint, and the total area of more than 65% off. The after service of one-year repair will be supplied for  cell phone jammer .
Note 1: If you use a UV paint, using a test method requires up to 300 cycles, using method two test requirements up to 500 cycles. Note 2: Under normal circumstances require the use of methods of a test method used only when the unconditional test may use a method of two for testing. With a cotton cloth dipped in ethanol (concentration ≥ 99.5%), wrapped in a dedicated head weight of 500g (including cotton on the head after the test area of about 1 cm 2), 40 to 60 beats / minute speed, about 20 mm stroke, wipe back and forth in the sample surface 200 cycles. Results found: After the test through the end of time to paint is not qualified. With a 2H pencil (Mitsubishi), whittled the cylindrical cartridge 400 mesh sandpaper and polished on after installed in a dedicated pencil hardness test on (the load exerted on the tip of 1Kg, pencil and the horizontal angle to 45 °), push the pencil slide forward about 5 mm long, were designated 5, then a pencil eraser marks will wipe clean. Results found: Check whether the product surface scratches, when a qualified below. First with cotton cloth to wipe clean the surface of the product, the Vaseline hand cream (or SPF8 sunscreen) coated on the surface of the product after product on the temperature inside the (temperature set at 60 ℃ ± 2 ℃, humidity set of 90% ± 2%), 48h after the products to keep out, wipe with a clean cotton cloth to cosmetics. Check the appearance of the product, and testing paint adhesion, abrasion resistance. Results found: no abnormal product surface, adhesion and wear resistance tested.  mobile phone jammer  has different kinds of functions for the detailed parameters are different.
Soaked in sweat after the non-woven surface attached to the product and sealed with a plastic bag, placed 48h at room temperature environment, it will wipe clean the surface of the product of the sweat, the appearance of the paint inspection, and testing paint adhesion, abrasion resistance . Results found: no abnormal product surface, adhesion and wear resistance tested. Note: sweat the ingredients for the 1.07% ammonia, sodium chloride 0.48%, 98.45% water. Place the sample in thermal shock chamber; first in -40 ℃ ± 2 ℃ low temperature environment to maintain 1h, the temperature inside the switch in 1min to +85 ℃ ± 2 ℃ high temperature environment and maintain 1h, 24 cycles were done (48h). After the test, checking the product's appearance, and test paint adhesion, abrasion resistance. Results found: no abnormal product surface, adhesion and wear resistance tested. Different adapters should be matched for different  cell phone jammer .

Need Research of cell phone jammer

The triangular support can be used for convenient movement and use of  cell phone jammer . This standard is mainly used for Daxian Telecom Co., the development and production of GSM mobile phone, CDMA mobile phones and PHS PHS structural parts inspection, and for mobile phone R & D, pilot production, IQC incoming inspection, QA testing and other enhancements stage. GB/T12610-90 plastic plating layer thermal cycling test (C cycle); QJ2028-90 plating layer solderability test methods. Shape with the point defects, measuring the maximum diameter of its size. In the painting surface attached to small particles. In the painting paint a partial surface accumulation phenomenon. Paint or plastic parts in surface color than the surrounding dark area. In painting or plating the surface of pieces of a large area of small undulating shape as orange peel. In the painting surface a partial leakage of paint too thin base layer of the color of the phenomenon. Switch on the power supply of the host of  cell phone jammer  after confirming the antenna and power supply are connected.
As the solvent evaporation rate is not caused by a depression in the paint or surface pits. Beyond the requirements of the coating on the drawing area. Products appear on the surface coating or coating off the phenomenon. Showing a surface of the product samples and standards (customer recognition products) as the color of the color difference. Showing a surface of the product samples and standards (customer recognition products) gloss inconsistency. In the bright side surface of the product or part of the finger prints appear. The product is different from the color of the surface around the point. Due to the damage caused by mold in the local small plastic bulge. When the plastic melt through a thin cross section, its pressure loss is large, it is difficult to maintain a high pressure to fill in the pits formed thick sections. For non-glossy plastic parts, due to uneven thickness of the wall thickness of mutations generated at the local shiny phenomenon. As the friction caused by hard objects deep scratches on the surface of the product. No deep scratches. As the injection parameters or mold the causes of the edge of the plastic parts of premises or sub-surface of plastic produce flash. Be well prepared for site investigation, inspection and testing of agent or manufacturer of the future  cell phone jammer  system construction project.
Plastic melt in the cavity flow encountered obstructions (such as core objects), the melt after bypassing the obstruction is not well integrated, so the surface of the plastic to form a visible line. Plastic parts due to the stress or the top of the imbalance caused by the plane variant. As the plastic parts of the package tight force (large local density), the top ejector region by powerful white printed output produced or raised (by reducing the pressure of the solution). Injection pressure due to insufficient or poor mold cavity exhaust and other reasons, the molten resin can not reach the cavity caused by a corner shot of inadequate material phenomenon. Plastic resin in the surface along the flow direction by showing the silver stripes. Products leaving the surface of the gate emerged as the center of the ring-like stripes. Plastic surface in the local black plastic coke. Injection pressure is too large or because the cavity is not smooth, the edges of the mold caused by abrasion. Due to stress or mechanical damage caused by the product of small cracks or cracks. Rubber due to environmental aging caused by cracks on the surface of the product. Casting parts plastic molding system, the end sector. mobile phone jammer only makes the mobile phone can not send or receive the telecommunication signal when entering the shielding area.
Corner position in the conductive adhesive, there is connected above the gum, but following the emergence of hollow plastic not attached to the phenomenon. Conductive gel to repair damaged parts. The product surface residual oil. As the raw material prior to molding is not fully dry, the moisture in the heat of vaporization and the formation of bubbles in the resin. Because mold damage and other reasons, resulting in the plane appear uneven. Refers to the transparent area in the reflective glow of color under the conditions of emergence of the phenomenon. Refers to the transparent areas appear blurred, poor transparency phenomenon. Molding mold, due to the pull of the hook material is greater than the top bar top bar to contribute material, leaving a part of the resulting bleaching. Button in the PC film produced by folding the bottom traces of the membrane. Injected into the plastic film on the PC, due to discontinuity in the finished film, causing wrinkles. As the PC film printed on the site of leakage, resulting in a positive light through from the back, called smear. Refers to the LCD screen on the phone. When installing  cell phone jammer , it is very important how to arrange the installation places of components.
Phone shows information important areas such as LENS and LCD. Exposed, and the normal use of the main surface can be seen directly, such as a keyboard, front cover, back cover, battery cover on the front of the outer surface of the antenna, side buttons, decorative plates, and flip the pros and cons. Exposed, and the normal use do not directly see the secondary surface and the outer surface of cell phone accessories, such as the front cover, back cover, battery cover and the flip side, and other mobile phone accessories such as chargers, headsets and other surface appearance . Normal use do not see, only in handling the battery or SIM card can see the inner surface, such as was the battery cover on the back cover or battery cover the surface of the inner surface. Phone only to see the demolition of the part surface. More and more manufacturers lay emphasis on the profit of the cell phone and  cell phone jammer  market.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

cell phone jammer uses the stream line mass production

The mobile trend of environmental protection. This concept of environmentally friendly mobile phone has been, but now more and more manufacturers attention. In the context of the continued deterioration of the global environment, the mobile phone manufacturers are thinking about how for the environment to make their own contribution. Phone environmental protection to achieve, mainly through two ways, one to consider from the mobile phone material, environment-friendly mobile phone Sony Ericsson latest listing of J10 and J20, Samsung W510, Nokia 6730c, etc. models, are based on biodegradable or recyclable material, to be environmentally friendly. Another environmentally sound way is to phone using new energy, the most common solar cell phone. Of course, this solar energy can not reach 100% support for mobile electricity demand. It is the painting cell phone jammer .
Only an auxiliary power supply, investment in the chattels solar phone has a variety of models of the Samsung S7550 and Sharp. In the increasingly tense energy, develop new energy sources is imperative, mobile phones, new energy sources will become increasingly common. Of course, the phone's new energy is not limited to solar energy, like heat, wind and so most likely is the strong point of the next mobile energy, advances in technology, we will wait and see. Low convergence of mobile phone trend. Maybe a few years ago mobile phone radiation of the word are still unfamiliar with, but I believe most people are more or less have a better understanding of cell phone radiation. Mobile phone radiation is when people use mobile phones, mobile phone radio waves sent to the transmitting station.  mobile phone jammer uses the stream line mass production.
Part of these radio waves are absorbed by the body, which may change the human tissue, the impact on human health. Although the scientific community of mobile phone radiation on the human body specific hazards have not yet conclusive, but there is no doubt that the hazard does exist. On the management of mobile phone radiation, the radiation of mobile phone products in Europe have extremely stringent requirements, not up to standard mobile phones are not allowed to be produced sales, the domestic mobile phone radiation standards for various reasons, the delay to finalize. The latest news is that mobile phone radiation scales have been implemented at the technical level and was the end of last year to submit country scaling Management Committee to wait for approval. Once introduced. The single output power of cell phone jammer is 35dBm.
Mobile phone radiation values will surely become a new selling point for the manufacturers to sell mobile phone products, mobile phones will also be low-spoke big step forward. For us ordinary consumers, this is a belated welfare. Store of the mobile phone trend. Before the apple, that mobile phone manufacturers dare to imagine the mobile phone software can be sold so the fire, the App Store has created a new sales concept, a whole new profit growth point. This is a mobile phone manufacturers, developers, and consumers among the three mutual benefit, and the perfect balance of the platform. This also allows mobile phone manufacturers to see the new direction of the future mobile phone development, manufacturing the phone at the same time better performance and better application software development capabilities, and the proportion of the latter is apparently gradually increase. The painting cell phone jammer can enhance the working situation.
Samsung Apps, Samsung, Nokia's Ovi Store, Microsoft's Marketplace scrambling to verify this view, this system provides Google also launched its own store, the Android Market, and even the three mobile operators jealous piece of cake, have launched The online store to occupy the site, now that mobile phone manufacturers dare to ignore This is an online store, then it is really to defy world opinion. We may wish to take a more optimistic estimate, perhaps in the future mobile phone manufacturers no longer sell the phone as the main profit point, but mainly by selling mobile application to obtain profit, of course, this is still relatively far away.  cell phone jammer can make the working condition inside the workshop much better.

It is not just a painting, but also cell phone jammer at the same time

In fact, the network, there is another level, we have not noticed the hot Internet of Things, the popular it is connected to the Internet of Things ", which is actually on the phone is a great opportunity. The purpose of the Internet of Things is the thing better serve the people, and this service must have a hub to provide instruction, undoubtedly phone is likely to play this role. Before we can work using a mobile phone to open the car's air conditioning, on his way home to use the phone to control the water heater burned hot water downstairs to use the phone to control the door to unlock the door, perhaps a bit fanciful, but Who can say that this can not it?  cell phone jammer becomes more and more popular.
The mobile trend of humanity. The mobile phone user-friendly in fact, contains two parts, one mode of operation of the user-friendly, operator interface user-friendly. On the mode of operation, Apple's touch-operation is absolutely revolutionary innovation, the Apple iPhone using a creative multi-touch operating modes, almost single-handedly caused the touch revolution. Touch operation with its simple, human nature, fantastic features, quickly swept the world. Almost without exception, support for touch operation in the high-end products released by the major manufacturers in 2010, with the touch operation continues to develop and mature, multi-touch will become widely applied in the touch phone technology, Nokia The flagship of the N8, HTC Desire, MOTO milestone undoubtedly declare the full advent of the multi-touch era. It is not just a painting, but also cell phone jammer at the same time.
The humane interface have to mention the UI (user interface), the UI is designed is to make the operation easier and more intuitive, and of course more beautiful. UI design, the iPhone UI and HTC Sense interface is undoubtedly the most popular Samsung's TouchWiz, and LG's S-Class 3D also get a good evaluation. A beautiful and easy to use interface is one of the key success factors of a cell phone, all vendors are racking their brains on the interface development. These days, if not a good user interface, you are embarrassed to say that they are mobile phones. The future of mobile UI design will be toward the more rational, more humane direction to move forward.  cell phone jammer combines several more new technology means.
Intelligent mobile trend. 2009 smart phone market is very hot, not without reason, one Android and other operating system fueled by the industrial improvement of the standards to promote smart phones threshold decreased, the third is the continuous improvement of user needs. You never have to doubt those gorgeous people without smartphones, buy smart machine has no use. The reason you do not have access to those functions, precisely because it is not smart enough, if enough smart, you'll know what you need, and this is what I have to say. The other is the non-smart phones can do, smart phones will be able to do so, and vice versa is not true.  cell phone jammer has gained a lot of orders.
From the market since 2009, a little analysis, you can also see some clues. Now, from the Google Android operating system, Windows Mobile operating system, Symbian OS, the iPhone OS operating system, etc., many of the smartphone operating system in the Chinese market have staking, China Unicom, the introduction of the Apple iPhone, mobile self-development of OMS mobile phone operating system, telecommunications also has been denied is to discuss the introduction of the BlackBerry smartphone and RIM. As smart phones in the mobile phone market share has increased low-end smart phones, high school and constantly enrich, can be predicted that smart phones will dominate the mobile phone market in the future, the future you will no longer hesitate to not buy a smart phone, but hesitated in the end Which smartphone to buy. Many customers speak highly of this kind of cell phone jammer .

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Overview of cell phone jammer intelligent system will be introduced in details

Themes, scroll to the name of the theme you want to delete, then press the C key, you can delete unused themes, but after I test, there is not, I do not know is not the reason of the phone. Now I will introduce about Nokia mobile phones to help absolutely feasible method to delete the topic. First enter the File Manager, then Options, select Find, the phone will be prompted to select the memory card, select a topic to the installation location where the card will appear the Find Text dialog box, enter the private point find the option, the phone will appear on the private folder, into the folder, there will be a list of folders to find 10,207,114 folder and enter the emergence of the import folder. Frequency setting of cell phone jammer is reasonable.
Phone theme installation location of this folder into the import folder, you will see a list of folders, all files installed themes folder is a folder corresponding to a theme, I could choose to enter a folder, there are four documents. A ****. The mbm file (**** is any file name), select it to open a preview image can determine the topic you need to remove do not need to see the name of the theme, if this topic need to delete the folder can be deleted directly, then you then view in theme mode, the theme was gone. Add is private because it is a hidden folder, and remember like the computer to hide remove the file manager in the mobile phone to search. Overview of cell phone jammer intelligent system will be introduced in details.
Press and hold button can interrupt an existing connection, Novo General. When the memory card is inserted to the new machine will be prompted to being installed, this is all the software data of the memory card of the third edition of a search to see if there is no installed programs exist, if not installed will be prompted to enter the program management office to install First of all, you have to enter the program management to see so what is not installed, reinstall, and some will be prompted to install fails, or the sort of file corruption error, if not delete these installation procedures each boot are being installed to address the : the memory card into your computer, delete the private \ 10202dce program in this directory can be resolved each time you boot the problem of being installed. The power ofcell phone jammercan be adjusted.
SIS software installation points to mention: some software is directly installed some software signature can be installed successfully there since the launch of functions (such as incoming call, the type of software) JAVA is installed directly the only thing is to install a file name not allowed to have a Chinese name, Chinese name will not run the software installation is successful, third edition screen resolution of various sizes, some software will cause the installation like do not fit the screen, please download the resolution size with their cell phone to download. Handsets become more powerful, what game, listening to music, watching movies, taking pictures that can be integrated in a mobile phone, of course, such a full-featured mobile phone prices are often a lot of money, also have after extra care. On the whole, some fitted with transparent mobile phone sets, some ordinary phone sets. Cell phone signal can be blocked when necessary through using mobile phone jammer.
Local on-screen film is also very necessary, especially the candy bar machine like the big screen, big screen, not like clamshell machine protection, it will inevitably unwittingly leave scratches in use, so the scratches remain on the "face" of the phone, handle every always unhappy, and so many of my friends would choose for a love machine posted a protective film. Said so much, finally comes to the subject, that is combined with the experience of mobile phone film, the phone screen film tips and cautions to everyone, for your reference. Must protect, but is actually not what mobile phones are suitable for film, because some phone screen is flat, or more prominent, the paste film is even more prominent, so first of all not beautiful, suddenly in the above, followed by easy to accidentally scraped off. cell phone jammer will also be used in the meeting room to forbid using the cell phone during the meeting.

cell phone jammer intelligent management system can perform function of safety and protection

Open the phone, remove the 91 back cover to find the function keys - hard drive - Options - completely format the hard drive, click format the hard disk back cover on the currently installed will function properly formatted. Qiao Zha communications records, we sometimes encounter to go back to check a few days ago, even before the communication record, but the cell phone can only find the most recent 20 years, to go and missed, how to do? Open the incoming call, many people may not know, the incoming call inside the "View History communications records to keep with you a month or even you can set a longer period of time calls, outgoing and missed the record, so you are not afraid to look up not before the communication record. If the cell phone signal is unnecessary to be blocked, the power supply switch of the host ofcell phone jammershould be shut off.
Multimedia can not find the mobile phone photographs, video, image folder in the file manager rename, restart. The system will automatically create a folder, the contents of two folders can be found in multimedia. Modify the software name. Sometimes we want to change the name of some software, you can do the following steps: 1. The software you want to rename on the menu. 2 to move the cursor to the menu on a file folder, press Options, move to rename the option to stay, first, do not press down .3 At this time, the phone switch key, select Offline, remember, must offline. (4) selected, the cursor automatically jump to the menu, which is the software you want to rename, continue to point to rename, then enter the name you want to change. OK, look at the change you want to change the name of the software? The school decides to adopt 15 sets of directional  cell phone jammers.
N91 phone there is often a lot of fingerprints on it, I, the solution is to buy a bottle of medicinal alcohol, a bag of cotton flower, and regular cleaning can the N91 is often difficult to open the photo shoot in the multimedia inside , use a long time, this time, you close all running programs, and then from the File Manager inside to see, so it will not crash, do not be afraid to phone suddenly tell you the hard disk is damaged. Some brothers often discuss the mobile phone cards backup, often you want to install this software, that software. I use the most primitive and simple way, without having to install any third-party software. Presented with the phone's PC Suite, connect your phone, enter the canning tablets (Contact). cell phone jammer has the function of shock resistance.
Simply select all, copy to a computer, and after that can be copied back to the phone. The file is ***. Vcf. Usually click directly on a PC computer can access the card, the Mac Mac OS 10 system can directly open the card above. Directly in the function menu, press the number keys to enter the corresponding program is easy and simple to remove the mobile phone theme (without the data cable, card reader). Often see someone help advice on how to remove the phone is no longer needed in the forum topic, I over a period of time of exploration, and finally found a good way to delete this method to delete the topic, and does not require any mobile phone accessories, do not need to use any tool, simple and feasible. This is my first post, hope you can enjoy. mobile phone jammer has another feature of high cost performance.