Sunday, June 10, 2012

cell phone jammers has some imported elements

Chopper - inverter algorithms transform the resulting dual vector space algorithm, rectifier - chopper inverter algorithm. directly transform the way: to transform the way: to strike a direct matrix converter control algorithm is called the matrix converter directly transform the way. switching function algorithm, the direct transformation of the device main switching function algorithm, algorithm of the wire voltage variable conductance algorithm, the coordinate transformation algorithm, scalar algorithm, hysteresis algorithm. conductance algorithm, the coordinate transformation algorithm, scalar algorithm, hysteresis algorithm. a switching function algorithm: a phase voltage - phase voltage transformation, the known three-phase switching function algorithm:The intelligence controlling technology of cell phone jammer takes charge of power outputting. This is the desired output phase voltage of a phase voltage phase voltage transformation phase voltage transformation, switching function algorithm input phase voltages and three-phase sine function expect the output phase voltage of the sine function, the input phase voltages and three-phase satisfy the constraints obtained in advance every bidirectional controllable switch duty cycle function, items obtained prior to each bi-directional controllable switches accounted for space than the function to calculate the respective turn-on time, the effective implementation of the desired transform performance can be obtained after controlling for on-time, effective implementation can be obtained after controlling for the desired transformation properties (b) cell phone jammer will cause no inception of the base station.  the dual space vector algorithm for dual-space vector algorithm ( SVM) dual space vector algorithm works is equivalent to cross the matrix converter - DC - level virtual whole pay structure before the first class equivalent to the structure of the LCI virtual rectifier and post-level inverter using the matrix converter space vector control inverter and post-level inverter space vector control technology, similar to the inverter of SVPWM displacement size adjustable sinusoidal current at the input side, output, the input side displacement size tone sinusoidal current, the fundamental voltage amplitude and phase frequency adjustable side to side of the fundamental voltage amplitude and phase frequency adjustable. ultimately want the two parts of an organic combination of overall control to achieve the overall control of the above given a more in-depth study of two matrix converter control algorithm has a certain value, including double-space vector algorithm is more common to use a certain value, the dual space vector algorithm uses relatively common.  cell phone jammers has some imported elements. 4 AC - DC - AC Inverter AC-DC inverter to AC inverter: (1) voltage and current source inverter voltage type and current-type inverter intermediate links equivalent to the middle of the voltage (current current) source inverter link equivalent voltage and current source inverter (c) current source inverter current source inverter rectifier circuit commonly used SCR, Umax = 8000v, a higher grid voltage rectifier circuit commonly used, the SCR series , the use of the device rated voltage of 50% -60%, consider the static pressure and series, the use of the device rated voltage series, the dynamic pressure-state voltage drop smaller on-state voltage drop is only 1.7V, the dynamic pressure smaller. state voltage drop, power gate trigger current, the critical rate of rise of on-state current of 250A /? s. rectifier three-phase bridge SCR rectifier circuit input current harmonics can be adopted rectifier circuit of the input current harmonic wave rectifier using a larger three-phase bridge rectifier circuit of the input current harmonic pulse or 18 pulse 12 pulse or pulse low power factor, the need to increase the compensation device.Some elements are imported to produce a more advanced  cell phone jammer . current source pulse or pulse power factor lower compensation devices need to add the inverter will have a greater common-mode voltage, the inverter will have a greater common-mode voltage, common mode voltage input transformer imposing the midpoint of the motor windings and ground.

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